KIDULT; the want to be a child but still having to take care of your adult responsibilities.
Twelve teenagers enters adulthood together all living in the same house.
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School 19
Heather was sitting behind her desk all alone, with a pen and paper in front of her. A letter, she had to write a letter on why she chose to give him a book. Why did she choose him? Heather wasn't really sure either. It was more of a decision made there and then. But how would she explain that in a way that wouldn't scare him or her?
The book was one of the first books she read that weren't for academic proposes. It was under the pandemic, three years ago. She had to get medicine for her father, and saw the doors of the library wide open. It stood out among the empty streets and quiet city. Everything was closed, and the only thing that was lighting up the road was the street lights.
Heathers curiosity got the best of her and she walked up to the wide open doors. It was all empty, but it looked so cosy and warm. Unlike the cold and white view outside, the inside of the library was warm and colorful. She walked inside and was hit of a smell, pumpkin spice. It was around Christmas time. Inside was an old lady sat behind the front desk. She had a hat on her head, covering up her face. Heather walked closer to the lady and was suddenly met with a pair of eyes looking right back up at her.
The eyes didn't show a glimpse of fear or confusion. The lady smiled up at 16-teen year old Heather. "And what can I help you with sweetie" she said. It was an older Korean lady.
"I-, im not really sure, I just- I just saw the light and" Heather stuttered, not really knowing why she was standing her.
"Calm down honey, do you want to take a seat?" the older woman asked as the Heather was shivering, only wearing a skirt.
Heather sat down on the couch just behind the front desk, looking at the woman making her way into a hallway.
What was she doing in here? She should be on her way home, her father might be worried. It has been so tough for him the past year. After the pandemic, he got laid of work, and part time jobs was harder to get because of the restrictions. Heather had not been able to work much either, as the entertainment been locked down for everyone, but their artists. She would've taken some extra classes, but they already have people for that. Most people wouldn't really take classes from a 16 year old anyways.
Heather was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't even notice something was placed in front of her.
"Here sweetie, this should warm you up a little" the older lady said as she placed some cookies and a cup of hot chocolate in front of her. She also placed a blanket over her legs.
"Oh no, you shouldn't have. I was just about to-" heather said as she was about to hop off the coach.
"Sit down child, please just charge up a little, then you can be on your way again. Alright?"
Heather nodded at the woman and brought the cup to her lips.