The Hellzone.

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Nolan and Chance rushed towards the flames but saw no way of getting in. "What do we do? We'll burn to death!" Nolan said as he didn't have the power of water or ice. Chance looked disappointed. "Did you already forget or did I not tell you? I have telekinesis. That's how I'm flying." Nolan tried to reply but then Chance grabbed the nearest fire hydrant, pulling it to the fire. The fire hydrant broke open and sprayed water everywhere. "Try and think before spatting Nolan." Nolan didn't hesitate to go into the passage before the flames blocked it. Nolan rushed in and saw Axel. And looked at the flames. It was so hot, Nolan couldn't stand it, but he had to fight. "Oh I was waiting for you to come! Thought you got squashed!" Nolan pulled out his summon and looked furious along with the flames. "Wait! I got a surprise for you! It's your dear friend..." Nolan gasped as Axel made a spiral of fire, Nolan yelled "NO! NOT AGAIN!" But when it hit the ground, it made a portal. It showed the deepest, darkest, portal Nolan has ever seen. Eric tried to stop Nolan saying "Nolan! It might be a trap!" Axel smirked and said. "But don't you want to see your dearest friend again?" Nolan pulled out Gabe's charm and ran to the portal. He looked closely. He saw Gabe. He was sleeping in the darkness. Axel saw this and tried to stop Nolan. "Oh no you dont!" Zuno said as he threw his charkram at Axel and pinned him to a wall. "Please! Take this and survive in the darkness! Please, visit us soon as possible!" Nolan said as he threw the green shining charm into the darkness. Nolan saw that Gabe held onto it because it didn't fade away. Soon after the portal went away and they heard stone breaking. "You damn bastards!" Axel broke Zuno's chakram that was pinning Axel. Chance flew into the battle "This is war!" Axel looked confused and tried to go for an attack. But reality suddenly bended everywhere and shifted and corrupted. Everything went white and then suddenly they were somewhere else. "Welcome to my 3rd dimension." Axel looked confused and thought, diemenson? Axel and Nolan realized that Zuno and Eric weren't there. It was just Nolan, Chance, and Axel. The atmosphere looked like they were in space and there was no bottom. Everything was slightly black and white and they were standing on bits and buildings and floors of stage 5. "This- this is the dimension I created so it's just us. Because you created the most pain for Nolan." Axel summoned a chakram and threw it. "Bad choice." Said Chance as he holded up a hand and the chakram stopped. It had a yellowish aura and the chakram went flying back to Axel. Axel deflected it and Nolan saw a chance to have another weapon back. "Gotcha!" Nolan said and casted thunder. Axel made a fiery barrier over his head then rushed to Chance and tried killing him. Chance dodged his attacks without even looking then cartwheeled over his attack then choked him in the air. "Gh!" Nolan tried to use thunder but then Chance quickly slammed him into the ground. "No! Dont!" Chance said because he saw in the future that Axel had a trick up his sleeve to counter Nolans thunder. But Chance was too late. "Shit!" Chance exclaimed. Axel smirked at them and held his chakram into the air covering it with fire. The thunder struck the charkram and made the summon electrify "Your dead shit Chance!" Axel threw his chakram and grabbed his other back from Nolan. "He's gonna stop your attacks, stop trying!" Chance looked mad at Nolan and said "Not this time!" Chance got hit and his chest was sliced and it was bleeding. "Damn it!" Nolan didn't know why this happened but he slashed at Axel finally getting hits. Axel actually seemed hurt. A dark portal emerged and a mysterious man in a coat came out. "That's enough Zenex. Your time is done here." Chance was surprised another came in. "How did you get here! This is my personal dimension!" The mysterious man did not respond to Chance but spoke again louder and clearer. "Zenex, the boss sent me here, your time is out. You failed." The mysterious man sounded just like Nolan. "Dammit Zeno! Not nowt now!, I just need more time!" But the man in the coat replied "Nope-" but Axel interrupted the man in the coat. "Please don't do this!" But the man in the coat denied his plea. "Goodbye." The man snapped his fingers and Axel groaned in pain while fading away. Axel dropped to the ground with only one leg and one arm left. "Why... Why Zeno!" The man didn't reply but stepped on Axel's head and crushed it as he continued to fade away. Zeno grabbed the chakrams and gave them to Nolan. "Give these to the friend you call Zuno. It's better than his good-for-nothing stone chakrams." Zeno handed it into his hands and walked away. But Nolan yelled "Just.... JUST WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?" Zeno looked back and said. "Your greatest nightmare, in the dark." As he said and walked away into the darkness. "Nolan, it's not safe in this dimension!" As Chance was dismissing Nolan and himself. Nolan quickly grabbed Zenex's charm and returned back. "Nolan! Chance! Where were you!" Eric said worryingly. "We defeated Zenex- I mean Axel." Nolan said. "Yeah, but where!? Where were we worrying sick about you! Then after some time like a lot of mindless summoners came and we had to take them like 50 on two!" Zuno said. Chance walked next to Nolan and said "All that matters is that we defeated Axel. Let's go to the cards deck now." Nolan looked confused. "The... what now?" Chance shut his mouth "No it's too late for that now. What I think is that it's time for you to leave this town- city." Nolan widened his eyes. "But.. Chance! Isn't this... Your Homecity? Why leave it!" "Yes it is my home city, but you guys have to travel 3 different worlds. You just got two more to go." Chance said as he started to walk into safe level 10. "Yes, but how will we get to different worlds?" Chance smiled and mumbled. "Rumors." "Uhm, Pardon?" Chance said it louder. And clear. "Rumors, believe in the spirit that everyone says- Fake. Believe in the fake. And it will become real, drop." Chance said. Nolan started to believe and looked at the others. "Cmon now! Aren't you ready to save the world?" The others corrected themselves and started to believe but there was a problem. "Uh Nolan. Exactly where and what rumor do we go to?" Nolan smiled and said Halloween but was cut during his sentence. "Silica City!" Everyone dropped and was falling and as they saw. Silca city.


Gabe woke up. Holding his charm. "AH! Oh no.. I can't- Breathe!" Suddenly a Light hit him. It felt better and he felt calm but it blinded him. He opened his eyes and realized he could breathe, and he could see what was around him. Suddenly a girl walked up to him. "Hey! Seems like... You're down here with me too... If you're new, then welcome to the realm of darkness. The name is Aqua." Gabe saw that Aqua had a weapon like his. And pulled it out. "I have that too." "Ooh! Another key-blade user?" Gabe looked at his weapon. "Key blade..?" "Yup! That's what it's called! Anyways, if you don't mind, would you go with me? Plus you can't handle yourself in the dark!" Aqua walked down the rows. Alongside Gabe.

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