The final stand at Radiant Garden

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Zuno runs into the portal. And sees the others looking at the world they are in. And Zuno sees the towers. The darkness in the air. Everything about it was just weird. "What.. What is this place..?" Nolan said while still looking down the alleyway. "Whatever it is.. It must be their stronghold. Let's go!" They bring out their summons and start running down the alleyway. Dark summoners appear. They take them out but they come up again but more. They wipe them out while Zuno uses fire on one that was going to sneak attack Eric. One lounged at Nolan and with all its might it slashed Nolan. This wasn't good. "THUNDER!" Nolan yelled while a strike of thunder struck the Dark Summoner. They kept coming. "It's no use! We gotta go!" Zuno said as he ran through the waves of darkness. One jumped on Eric but Nolan slashed it in half. They reached a very open space and the Dark Summoners disappeared. Nolan ran towards the open space but Zuno and Eric called out his name. "Nolan!" Nolan looked behind himself and saw Mindless summoners blocking Zuno and Eric. Then suddenly.. A mysterious person in a coat appeared, and attacked Nolan but Nolan blocked. The mysterious figure was aggressive and had a large key that was used as a weapon. Then everything went black for Nolan. And he woke up in a weird space. And the mysterious figure holding his weapon. Didn't speak but attacked Nolan "Ha!" They clashed and Nolan used thunder. But he dodged and used some sort of magic and it attacked Nolan. Nolan jumped back and threw his razor at the Figure but he blocked it. "How..?" Nolan said as he started to air-step around Nolan. It looked like he was a light ball but also coated in darkness. He finally appeared and spun around and attacked Nolan. But Nolan blocked it and landed a hard hit on the figure. The figure jumped back to the middle and pointed his weapon on the ground, and ascended to the air. "HAAAAAAAAA!" Then pointed at Nolan. "C'mon!" For some reason Nolan could feel the figures' pain but Light spears lounged at Nolan. Nolan got hit by two but he started to dodge them all. "You don't understand!" The figure said aggressively, and landed on the ground and looked more powerful. He speeded at Nolan and started to land multiple hits and backed up and lounged at Nolan for a huge attack. Nolan blocked it. Nolan started to feel tired as the figure jumped up in the air very high and clashed at Nolan. They clashed again but the figure pushed on Nolan harder. "Who- who are you!?" The figure looked away. Then looked back. "Just a throw away from the dark. Used it too much." Then clashed Nolan's Razor blade away. Nolan fell on the ground but kept his balance and ran to his weapon. The figure picked up his other razor blade and pinned down his other. And holded Nolan's razor blade at him, Nolan almost gave up but focused to retrieve it, Then the razor blades appeared in his hands and jumped high in the air, the figure looked at Nolan and smirked. "Heh." The figure jumped up with Nolan and tried to land a hit, but Nolan blocked it, they fell to the ground and Nolan slashed at the figure. Landing a critical hit. The figure dropped on the ground, with his weapon disappearing. Then got back up with all his strength. But didn't attack Nolan, then his hoodie came off, and it was Gabe "Heh, so that's why they chose you." Nolan gasped. "Gabe!?" "Hmph. You really do make a good friend." Then Gabe disappeared, then Nolan woke up with the others screaming his Name and telling and begging for him to wake up. He was on the ground "That was no time to sleep there!" Nolan opened his eyes barely awake. "Huh? Oh, Wait! No! I saw Gabe. I swear he was just there!" Eric helped Nolan up. "Nolan.. That was one of them and you guys just fell asleep, then we had to defeat the Mindless Summoners alone and then the Figure disappeared and you woke up after some time. Are you okay?" Nolan shook his head. "No! After I slashed him.. It was Gabe! He's here!" Zuno looked worried. "You musta had a really bad dream. After all, you have been going through this. We're almost at their stronghold. Cmon lets go!" Zuno and Eric ran towards the place that had a tower. But Nolan thought for a moment. Then ran to the tower. They got to the place and it was in the middle of the air, they couldn't get that far. "What do we do?!" Zuno smirked and made a fire trail. "Really Zuno?" Nolan said in disappointment. Eric saw a computer. "That computer must have access to make a trail! Just as what Zuno did!" Nolan looked at Eric. "Yeah but how are we gonna get there? Smarty pants." Eric smiled and pointed up to hands and aimed at the computer. "Like this!" Eric started using electricity and it took some time to work. Then suddenly a trail opened. "I honestly thought it was going to explode." Zuno said. "Hey!" Eric yelled at Zuno. Nolan smirked and ran towards the tower. "Let's go! Let's show them hell!" The trio ran into the tower and the first thing they encounter is Mindless Summoners. They didn't bother to attack them because more would probably come. They ran up the stairs then the entrance to the elevator was blocked because of Mindless summoners. They wiped them out but some were hard to take out. One swung at Zuno and knocked him back but Nolan slashed The Mindless summoner and Eric slashed it. The entrance Opened and they went through. The elevator went up and there were more stairs. "More stairs!? Ugh.." They ran up the stairs and saw a door that led to nothing. Nolan opened it and saw a new room. "We must be getting closer to Exi." They entered the room further, then saw Chance. "Oh hey chance! Never thought you would be here!" Chance turned around and had red eyes. "Uh oh! Chance had an evil side!?!" Eric said. Looking at his weapon. "And you what that means Eric!" Zuno said while Chance pushed Eric and Zuno back. Straining them to a wall. "Gh- Nolan! R-run!" Nolan pulled out his razor blades and tried to attack Chance but Chance attacked him and pushed him to the ground. "Now... It is time for your true darkness to arrive! Embrace the darkness.. Embrace it!" Chance Attacked but he stopped. It was like something holding him back. "You nobody!" Someone yelled and it sounded like Chance. Then suddenly a ghostly version of Chance arrived. "Gah... Go! While I stop him!" Chance looked at the others while Eric and Zuno landed on the ground. "D-Damn you Exi!" Chance pushed back his evil self to only reveal that Exi was behind them. Then Chance's evil twin got pushed into Exi and the twin disappeared. Chance didn't look like a ghost anymore then looked serious. Then looked at the others. "Go. Now." Nolan and the rest ran up the stairs while Exi tried to stop him. "No!" Chance yelled and swung his arm to the right and Exi went flying out of the stronghold. Chance flew out of the stronghold on where Exi was. "You musta hurt alot when people mistaken you for who you were.. But wanna know what hurts more? Us! You hurt us ever since our journey started! So now you must pay.. The ultimate price!" Exi looked at Chance deadly. Then tried to land a lighting bolt but Chance pulled him and flinged him to the air. Chance teleported up on Exi and barraged him to the bottom of the place. Chance did a backflip then slammed Exi on the ground. Exi tried to land a hit but Chance dodged, then hit Exi again and again. Exi finally landed a hit on Chance. "Tsk, just a scratch" Chance said while he rammed his head onto the ground.

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