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The ride to town was a silent one. They were both lost in their thoughts. Helen chanced a peek at him. He was frowning with concentration as he drove. She wondered what was going on in his mind. What he was thinking or more importantly what was his decision? She could feel he was making plenty. There was no how one could share what they shared without one coming to a decision. Helen was making decisions of her own too. Only that none of her decisions seemed right. All that seemed right was to stay away. No! She said to herself, she was not staying away. It wasn't possible anymore. If there was a chance that they could be together forever, she would take it. She would risk it. It was better than forever wondering, wondering what could have been. If it didn't last forever, if it didn't work out or if loving him brought the worst pain, it was better to have tried than to spend an eternity wondering because she was sure the love she had for him would transcend death, she knew from the strength of her feelings that she would rise with it at the end of time. That nothing this strong can be destroyed by even death.

'I need directions to your house' she heard him say

She saw the city limits and lights and it dawned on her that he would see where she lived. She was not afraid of him seeing her house. She was not afraid of him. She more afraid of the condition of her house, Would he take one look at the empty one room apartment and guess the truth that she was hiding, that she didn't want to form any kind of attachment to the place so that leaving would not be difficult when she finally remembered

'Right or left' he asked again

'I don't want to keep you, with your mother in town and all. I can get a cab from here' she said to him

'The only way you will be getting out of this car without me getting to your house would be taking you to mine'

She stared at him; she knew it was useless arguing with him

'What would it be, personally I'd prefer taking you to my house?'

'Right' she muttered, not that she didn't want to go to his house, the truth was she could hardly contain her excitement at the prospect. She also knew she had to apply wisdom; she had to play her cards well and smartly if she was going to come out of this the winner.

Chuck took the turn that brought them to her street and let out a low whistle. What is this he asked himself; the backyard of the whole state. What is she doing here? He asked himself.

'I don't get it' he turned to her

'Don't get what?" she asked knowing fully well what he was talking about.

'Is it that Nma doesn't pay you well enough or you are one of those ghetto children that never leaves'

'First of all this is not the ghetto, and not everybody can afford to live in mansions'

'But you can afford to live in a more decent place' he said not asking just stating the obvious.

'Maybe I like it here' she answered 'have you stopped to consider that?'

'Yes I would too if I was hiding and don't want to be found'

The rest of what she was going to say got stuck in her throat as fear took over. Did he know, had he somehow deduced her reason?

'Which of the houses?'

She turned back to him 'The next one'

'I give you points for taste, it is best on the street' he said as he parked the car and turned to her.

Helen fumbled with the sit belt and handle at the same time, suddenly overcome with fright as well as excitement.

He leaned over and helped her untangle the mess she had made of the seat belt.

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