😟 (Arrow AU Roleplay)

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Bri: I wish it would leave...-_-

Pael: 😀😈

Bri: *Very scared noises.* Wait I'm not scared of you. 😠

These are mainly bullet points of suggestions but here we go:

-Either Pael wins and Bri goes against him but she gets killed OR Bri gets killed by him during the war...because she's stupid.

-Bonus points if it's the Misguided!AU and it's Courtney's fault since she brings her to him. 😀

Bri: I-

Don't interrupt my bullet points mortal.

-Naturally poor Barney doesn't take this too well, and neither does Venus since her plan's basically ruined.

Venus: 😠

-The Sins do...well whatever they want since the plan's ruined now.

-Courtney gets the sword since she's technically an angel. A fallen angel, but still.

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