Chapter 22 - Confession

426 9 42

3rd Person

Mike woke up to someone shaking him.

"Mike, wake up." Nancy spoke, shaking her brother.

"..What?" Mike mumbled, barely opening his eyes.

"Wake up." Nancy spoke a little bit louder.

"Five more minutes.." Mike muttered, closing his eyes again.

"Mike get up!" Nancy hissed, and they both heard Will groan.

"Mm stop." Will whispered, snuggling his head further into Mike's chest.

Nancy smiled slightly at the sight, but nothing could really lift the mood.

"Come on, we need to go over to the creel house quickly." Nancy reminded Mike, who's face immediately dropped.

"Alright, I'll get him up now." Mike sighed, sitting up.

"Mike lay back down." Will whined, putting his head on Mike's lap.

Mike chuckled slightly, and Nancy left the two to wake up.

"Will, wake up." Mike spoke, gently shaking the boy.

"Five more minutes please.." Will whispered, hiding his face.

"Come on, darling, wake up." Mike smiled gently at his boyfriend, who opened his eyes.

"G'morning.." Will whispered, rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning." Mike moved Will's hair out of his eyes, causing the smaller boy to blush.

"I'll go brush my teeth, come with me." Will muttered, sitting up.

"Alright, Nancy has some clothes for us to wear so don't put anything new on." Mike told Will, who nodded sleepily.

They both got up and did their morning routine, brush their teeth, wash their face, ect.

(30 Minutes Later)

"We're ready." Mike spoke, grabbing the lamp from the table.

Will was already holding his, looking terrified.

"Will. Before we go, please tell me, are you sure you want to do this?" Nancy looked down at the boy, who nodded firmly.

"Alright.. Let's go then." Nancy sighed.

Everybody piled in the caravan parked outside of the wheeler house, their weapons making loud clattering sounds.

The caravan came to an abrupt stop, causing everybody to lunge forwards.

"Jesus." Steve muttered, and Jonathan shot a nasty glare at steve.

"How about you drive, Steve? Since you think you can comment on my driving." Jonathan spat, causing Steve to scoff.

"God, calm down." Steve muttered.

"Steve shut the fu-"

"Right! Everybody who is getting out here, out." Nancy interrupted.

Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas all got up, exiting the van.

Mike took Will's hand in his own, calming down the shaking boy.

Everybody walked in, and began to take their shoes off.

"Do you all have pen and paper?" Lucas lookes around, and everybody nodded.


Everybody held up their lantern, so Lucas nodded.

"Okay, split up." Lucas ordered, and everybody split up and began searching for Vecna.

Will went up the the attic, Lucas and Dustin went on the second floor, and Mike stayed on the bottom.

As Lucas was walking, his lamp began to shine more then it did before.

His eyes widended and he went over to Dustin, and began writing.

'Found Vecna. Go and tell Mike, I will tell Will.'

Dustin nodded, before scurrying off to find Mike. He walked back down the stairs to see Mike walking around, looking bored.

Dustin walked up behind Mike, causing the taller boy to turn around.

Mike made a confused face, and Dustim began to write.

'Lucas found Vecna. Follow me.'

Mike read it and nodded, following Dustin up the stairs.

Everybody was now where Lucas had found Vecna, and Will's lamp began to shine brighter then everybody else's.

Will's face became panicked for a minute, before he composed himself and began to follow the light.

As they suspected, the light led them into the attic. They stepped over the crack in the middle of the room and sat down to form a small circle.

Lucas began to write, and everybody looked at him with interest.

'You need to say how you feel. If you lie it won't work.'

Lucas showed Will, who looked frightened.

Will began to write, so Lucas looked up at him.

'𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒅𝒐 𝑰 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕?'

Lucas read it, and began writing.

'Say that you are here, and then tell him how you feel.'

Will nodded and everybody sat behind him so that he could talk.

"U-Uh.. I'm here. I-If you are going to try and attack me." Will started, and everybody began to listen.

"If you're going to get me, then please do it." Will's voice spoke up, and everybody's eyes widened.

"I-I know that I've been trying to avoid you.. killing me. B-But I'm ready. I'm ready for you to kill me." Will continued, and the three boys were stunned.

"I-.. Uhm, I want you to.. kill me." Will whispered.

"I haven't been happy for.. a long time. I've tried. I've tried so hard but I have been miserable." Will admitted, leaving everyone else tearing up.

"I-I don't know if I want to be saved.. If I deserve to be saved. I just want you to take me away." Will's voice began to tremble.

"I have tried to end it all.. a few times." Will spoke.

"W-When you trapped me in the upside down. I tried to leave. B-But I was saved." Will felt a tear roll down his cheek.

"When I was possessed.. I tried to end it. But I was saved. Again." He continued.

"I want you to kill me, please. I'm ready, please just take me away." Will pleaded, and after he said that, the room fell silent.

"Please, j-"

{Word Count: 901}

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