Truth, everyone.

10 1 0

Me: Get in here now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone: * Runs in. *

Hiro: Man you're loud.

Me: Thanks. It's a gift.

Hiccup: What do we have?

Me: A truth for everyone. What was one thing you shouldn't have lived through but did?

Merida: Fighting a bear.🐻

Rapunzel: Fighting my so-called mom. She was crazy!🤪

Me: Good this she is a was or she would be seeing what a pissed-off Viking looks like.

Hiccup: No going berserk.

Me: * Mutters. * Buzz kill.

Elsa: Food poisoning. I get really really sick from a cake Anna had made me for my birthday and slid it under my door.🤢

Anna: Why didn't you tell me about that?!

Else: I didn't want you to feel bad.

Anna: Thanks. * Hugs Elsa. *

Elsa: No problem. * Pulls away. *

Anna: Frozen heart. 💙

Elsa: Sorry.

Astrid: Falling out of a tree when I was ten. I really should have died.

Camicazi: Um... You want a list?

Me: * Counting. *

Jake: What are you doing?

Me: Trying to pick what thing I should have died doing. It's a miracle I am alive.

Tadashi: Let's come back to them. Mine would be running into a burning building.

Hiro: My childhood.

Everyone: * Looks at Hiro. *

Hiro: I was clumsy.

Tadashi: Let's just say there was a reason I invented Baymax.

Baymax: Hi.

Hiccup: If I answer this question we will be here all night.

Jack: I didn't.

Me: 101 102. Oh, forget it! Let's just go with a lot of times.

Camicazi: * Nods. *

Me: Bye! Don't forget to comment!

Truth or dare with the big four.Where stories live. Discover now