The Battle Begins...

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ForgottenPassword: You should of planned something when you decided to break my Helicopter...

Wait til 0:29 to start reading

ForgottenPassword: Ỹ̴͕O̵͈͝Ư̴̧ ̵̮̓W̵̗͂Ó̸͙N̴̪̑T̵͍̎ ̸͜͠E̸̼͂S̸̟̓C̵͍̏Ā̷͕Ṗ̷̣E

CorruptedDemonSoul: We'll see about that one!

Forgotten suddenly summons 4 PassCode Blasters at Corrupted while Corrupted summons        4X Blasters back at Forgotten's Blasters causing a small explosion knocking both of them back a bit.

Corrupted starts shooting waves of bones at Forgotten while he dodges them slowly approaching Corrupted. When Forgotten almost catches Corrupted, Corrupted surrounds them with bones firing them. Causing Forgotten to teleport out of the area.

ForgottenPassword: ̸w̵o̴'̵t̷ ̷l̴i̷,̶ ̴y̵o̷u̶ ̴a̶e̷ ̶s̵t̵r̶n̴g̷e̵r̴ ̵t̴h̴a̵n̵ ̸o̸u̸ ̴s̵e̵e̷m̵...t̶ ̵i̶ ̵w̷o̷n̶'̶t̷ ̶b̷e̶ ̸o̶u̴g̴h̷ ̸t̵o̶ ̵d̵f̴e̴a̷t̷ ̵m̴e̷.

Forgotten starts spawning blasters firing them constantly at Corrupted while Corrupted Spawns 2 Blaster skulls and a wave of bones to protect himself. Corrupted decides to counter attack with 7 XBlasters around Forgotten, hitting him.

*1638/2000 HP

ForgottenPassword: W̵e̴l̵ ̷s̵h̷i̶t̷ ̵y̷o̷u̷ ̷c̵t̷u̶a̵l̵l̵y̶ ̷h̴i̷t̵ ̸m̷e̷ ̶G̶e̴s̷s̵ ̴I̸ ̸h̶a̵v̵e̷ ̸t̴o̷ ̴b̷e̴ ̶m̵o̸r̸e̸ ̵e̷r̶o̶u̵s̶ ̶a̵o̴u̵t̷ ̷h̵i̷s̴.̵

Forgotten summons 50 bones and fires them at Corrupted 3 of them hitting Corrupted

*1483/1600 HP

CorruptedDemonSoul: That won't be enough to kill me just yet pal.

Corrupted starts summons dozens of XBlasters and Bones at Forgotten surprising him, which makes him summon 2 BrokenCode Blasters which are stronger than his PassCode Blasters which wasn't enough, hurting him even more.

*1276/2000 HP

ForgottenPassword: Y̶o̷u̷r̶ ̷s̷t̵a̴r̷t̷i̴n̶ ̵t̶o̶ ̶n̶n̷y̵ ̷m̶e...


ForgottenPassword: Y̶o̸u̶ ̶w̷o̸n̴'̴t̶ ̷s̸u̵r̵v̵i̷v̴e̷ ̸t̸h̶i̴s̴

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ForgottenPassword: u̶ ̶w̷n̴'̴t̶ ̷u̵r̵v̵i̷v̴e̷ ̸t̸h̶i̴s̴.̴ ̴G̶o̵d̶b̴y̵e̷.

Forgotten Charges his ForgottenCode Blaster to full power. While Corrupted Summons 65  XBlasters, then...THEY BOTH FIRE...



ForgottenPassword: . . . I guess...I lost much for that blaster...Well...Guess this is the end...

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