In a world where conflicts occur between humans and demon clans… humans introduced a special profession, Sacred knight, he acts as the human’s first line of defence. Among them, the Skyglory knight was every sacred warrior’s hopes and dreams.
During a battle, the Skyglory knight was unfortunately captured by the vampire clan’s queen.Ji Yue glared at said person. Lylias just smirked at her.
Lylias: My lovely king of the knights, can you imagine what i’m about to do to you?
Ji Bai: Kill me now and spare me your words, I won’t surrender.
The members of Moon chivalric order, plus Ke-er all stared at the screen in shock. “He’s the Skyglory knight!” Lin shouted in surprise. Lilith glanced at Lylias, realising why Ji Bai acted so strange.
Lylias: Oh? Did you know that the queen of every generation has a chance to embrace her heir?
The humans and cat people were confused as to what she meant by embracing her heir. The vampires stared at Lylias in shock.
Her fangs drew near his neck
Lylias:To inherit the next generation.
She bites his neck
Lylias: Accept my embrace.
Ji Bai: NO!!! AH!!!
Everyone winced at Ji Bai’s screams. Ji Yue had tears streaming down her face. Lylias, trying to reassure everyone, stated, “ This is a normal reaction to being embraced.”
Ji Bai transforms into a vampire girl(who will be referred to as either Becky or Bai Ji)
Everyone, excluding Lylias, was stunned at the sight.
Lylias: Welcome to the world of darkness! My daughter.
The audience were broken from their stupor by the sound of Lylias’s voice. They immediately began shouting. Lilith was the least aggressive, merely clinging to her sister while saying that her niece was adorable. Ji Yue didn’t know what to think, she just found out that her brother is alive and that he turned into a female vampire. Ji Yue’s father sneered at the screen and said loudly, “Next time I see that brat I will ensure he dies!” Hearing this Lilith glared at the man while Lin helped her hold Lylias, who was trying to attack Ji Yue’s father, “YOU DARE THREATEN MY DAUGHTER!!”. After everyone settled down the viewing continued.
Blood princess and the knight characters watch future
FanfictionShortly after Ji Bai joins the Moon chilvaric order, some ruins are discovered near the moon chivalric headquarters. Everyone but Ji Bai goes to investigate where they discover a mysterious entity. *Thought* #Note: The right to Blood princess and th...