BJR--June 25th

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"Holy damn, Lo." Baby Hudson was currently snoozing in my arms already. The boy was only hours old and I already loved him more than words could possibly describe. "He's as big as y'all thought."

Lauren laughed lightly. "8lbs 4oz. He ruined me. But have you seen his dad? He could have been bigger." Ain't that the fucking truth.

That got me to laugh. "Good thing Casey's in the sandbox then so you can recover. He'll never know."

She rolled her head to the side. Exhausted. "He's cut off for the foreseeable future. Reason I had to push that butterball out of me."

Hunter leaned over my shoulder and my body started to tingle in response to him being so close to me. "At least he was just 8lbs tho."

Fucking man thing to say.

"You try pushing 8lbs out thru your d--" Lo growled.

"No. Just no, Lo." Hunter growled back, cutting her off.

I could feel his body heat, he was just that close. I elbowed him. "She's a fucking champ, Hunt. You cain't say anything otherwise until you shove 8lbs out thru your dick." Hunter pinched my waist.


Damn him.

"Which means you should be getting me wine and ice cream, Bub."

Hunter kissed my head and backed up. "Alright. Alright. I'll go get the contraband. Little shit stirrers." He leaned down and kissed Lauren's forehead. "You did good, Little Mama. Fucking rockstar. You need or want anything else?"

She smiled up at him. "Could somebody bring my camera from the house? And the bag next to it? I was a little preoccupied earlier and forgot it."

Hunter chuckled. "Preoccupied trying to figure out how to plug your baby."

"It's normal!!" Lauren squeals.

Hunter shakes his head. "It's not, but I got you Sweetheart." He grinned when he hit the door. "Is it too early to give Reagan shit about passing out?"

I rolled my eyes. "Shit stirrer." Although, it was funny to hear that story from Lauren. Even Senior had a hard time not laughing.

LeahBelle will love it. Jason's gonna make a meme. It's gonna be great.

"He's gorgeous, Lo. Gah. I just wanna squeeze him."

Lauren snorted. "Aspen said the same thing. I promise in like a week you can squeeze him."

"God. He's gonna be so fucking loved. First baby. First grandbaby."

His uncles were gonna teach him to shoot. Most likely before he could crawl. Jolene and Kodie were gonna teach him to play instruments. Trent would teach him to paint. (Little tidbit talent that not many knew he did.) Aspen and I had him covered in the kitchen. Senior would enroll him in some type of spy school shit.

This little boy had absolutely no idea the family he just got pooped into. And yes. I know full and well that that's not how babies are born.

"You want me to roll him to the nursery so you can catch some sleep for a minute?"

Lauren's smile was sleepy. She was crashing by the minute. "Yes and no. I want to sleep but I just feel bad having somebody else watch him already."

"Girl. That's what the nursery is for. Get sleep now before you go home." Although, she was living with Senior and Momma T for the duration of Casey's deployment, so she had help. Momma T would most likely smother him and she could sleep double.

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