chapter 2 (Leo and Donnie's talk)

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Donnie: Leon we need to talk about the bloody knife and bandages that Raph found in your bathroom.

Leon: Um what bloody knife and bandages I saw no such thing 😥.

Donnie: Stop lying to me about this is serious look at me nardo I need you to open up to eather me,Raph, Angelo,or Casey Jones Jr so please tell any of us what's wrong.

Leon: *crying* F-Fine I-I cu-cut m-myself b-because I-I'm s-so d-done wi-with m-my l-life a-and I-I'm s-scared th-that I-I w-will m-mess u-up s-something a-and I j-just w-wanna b-be l-loved a-and a-also be-because I-I'm pr-pregnant wi-with U-Usagis ba-baby.

Donnie: What you're pregnant with his baby but why didn't you tell us.

Leon: *crying* Y-Yes I-I a-am a-and I-I d-didn't t-tell y-you th-that I-I'm pr-pregnant b-because I-I w-was s-scared th-that y-you g-guys w-would b-be m-mad.

Donnie: Oh Leon we would never be mad at you for being pregnant but you better not keep this a secret from Raph because we don't want him to go all Mamahen on us.

Leon: *crying a little* Ye-Yeah w-we d-don't wa-want h-him t-to g-go m-mamahen o-on u-us hehehe love you Don.

Donnie: love you too nardo and I'm saying that because you are my twin brother and you always will be even though you are the oldest twin but only by a few minutes.

Leon: Oh shut up you you're only saying that because you wish you were the oldest twin so that you can continue being the protective twin.

Donnie: Hehehe nardo you always know that I'm the protective twin even though you are the oldest twin but I still love you no matter what.

Leon: Yeah I know but sometimes I wonder why you are so overprotective of me when you are the soft shell turtle and I'm not but thank you for keeping me safe along side with our brothers.

Donnie: So how many months are you in or are you still getting the morning sickness.

Leon: I'm only three weeks in on my pregnancy so yes I still get the morning sickness but I'm not going to go through this alone because I have my family with me so I'm a very lucky turtle to have siblings like you.

Donnie: Whatever you say nardo I'm just kidding hehehe and we are very proud brothers to have a brother and a responsible leader.

Leon: * yowns* I'm tired Don

Donnie: Hehehe come here nardo I've got you now let's get you to my room so you can rest. *Love you nardo I'm going to make sure that no one hurts you or your unborn baby I'LL MAKE SURE OF IT BECAUSE NO ONE HURTS OR TOUCHES YOU* Good night nardo I'm always here if you need me

A/N: sorry for the short chapter my kittens but it's like really late outside and I'm over tired that means I'm very sleepy so good night my kittens and I'll see you in chapter 3 (lovers join the chat) and I hope you have a great day or night wherever you live at in this world bye bye my kittens.

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