Chapter 8

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I decided not to tell Hermione how I truly felt about her. Her attention needs to be focused on recovery so she can come home. All she talks about is how she couldn't wait to get home and smoke from the bong I bought her the day she woke up. Her first wish when she gets home is to have a big dinner with all of us and Tito. She wants to see everyone happy and at one table eating together. Abuelita was quick to second Hermione's request on the big dinner so of course I had to make it happen for them both.

Abuelita and I were waiting on Cortez to get home from school to go over to the hospital so this gave me a little time with Abuelita alone. "Oscar what is it?" She asked not looking up from the book she was reading. "I was hoping I could leave Cortez with you tonight. I have some things I have to get done and I don't want him alone here." I said looking at her in shame for even asking. "I have taken that boy into my heart as my own grandchild, if you need him to be in a safe place while you make money to put food in his mouth I would never tell you no. You do what you need to do, your son will be at my house for the night." She said as if she was demanding. I nodded to her as a way to show her my appreaction for her.

Cortez walked into the house giving me time to escape into my room to pack a bag of clothes for the night. Once I was done I snuck out the back door and put my bag in the trunk of my Impala before creeping through the back inside. "Ready?" I asked as I walked into the living room. Cortez was sitting beside Abuelita whispering back and forth until they heard my voice. "Cortez go pack a bag for the night, you're coming home with me." Abuelita said before going to get in my car. Tez jumped up and took off to his room in excitment. Once we were all in the car we drove in a relaxing silence all the way to Hermione.

When we all sat down with her she told us about how she felt. "My ass is so numb from not being able to walk. I can't wait to get into recovery and then I can come home!" She said excitedly looking at all three of us with a large smile. "You should be starting recovery after the tests from your coma comes back. Until then you'll just have to suffer with numb ass." Abuelita said making my eyes buldge a little. She was such a sweet little lady, you'd never expect those kind of words to leave her lips. "Ughh when is that going to be? I feel like they've done a million tests since I woke up. I can't even take a nap without them coming in here to poke at me or stab me with needles." Hermione whined like a little girl.

The time felt like it was flying by. It's only been two days since she woke up but it feels like it's only been two hours. Seeing her awake was probably the best thing that's happened for Cortez and I in a while. It was nice seeing him laugh and smile with his best friend again. It's been so long that it made me realize how much Cortez needed Hermione in his life. Just as I was about to start talking the doctors walked into the room stopping me. "Okay, I'm sorry to breal up this love fest in here but we have to get Miss. Hermione to her last scans. So if you'll all say your goodbyes and exit the room that would be great. Thank you all so very much." The doctor said before walking out to give us all some space.

Abuelita and Cortez gave Hermione hugs before walking to the door. "Cortez, take Abuelita to the car. I'll be down in just a few minutes." I told him handing him my keys before they walked out the door. "Would you like an overnight visitor?" I asked making her heart monitor beep a little faster. "I wouldn't mind that at all." She almost whispered. "I'll be back before visiting hours are over. I'm taking Spider and Hector's shift watching your room." I told her with a smirk. "Does that mean you'll be standing outside the door all night?" She asked in a taunting way. This is the Hermione I missed more than words could explain.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see. I'll be back soon." I told her before walking out of her room to get to my car. Abuelita and Cortez were already sitting in the car waiting for me. She was going on and on about how she was so excited for her grand baby to come home. Her smile was bigger than it had been since I met her. I could understand why, she wasn't going to be alone. "Dinner?" I asked as we headed out of the parking lot and down the street. "I was thinking Dwayne's." Abuelita said making me nod. "I can't wait to get my hands on some of that porkbelly." Tez said from the back seat.

Looking at Tez smiling through the rear view mirror made me realize how happy he was. If you didn't know him, just by looking at him you wouldn't think his best friend almost died, his father is a gang leader, and his mother took advantage of his father at a young age. He seemed like the most normal kid out there just looking at him. He used to be on the football team, his best friend was a cheerleader, his old girlfriend was lead in all the school plays, and he had straight A's in school. He's everything any father could ever ask for. I couldn't be more thankful to have such an amazing son, all thanks to Hermione and her Abuelita.

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