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My face was flushed and almost as bright pink as my dress as I tried to recover from my episode of embarrassment. I had been in here for fifteen minutes, which I'm sure was long enough for the man outside to leave, so in the meantime I tried to calm myself down.

What Grandfather had told me was sinking in now, though my hands were still shaking a bit. Louis Vuitton was one of the most famous fashion houses in the world, and my grandfather just so happen to be the CEO of one? That was amazing. I still felt like I was dreaming, and at moment I would be shaken awake by my mother at home.

My mother. Why on Earth would she not tell me any of this? I mean, I understand it would be kind of hard to slip into conversation...

'Oh by the way Marie, I'm the daughter of one of the CEO's of Louis Vuitton and we're secretly super rich but I left all of that for some reason and now live in suburban Florida happily in the middle class.'

Yeah, that wouldn't be an easy conversation for her to start.

As I managed to calm myself down, all of the luxuries around me suddenly seemed more inviting, and I'll admit I may have admired the fancy purse-shaped soaps a little more than I had before. The gold trimming around everything suddenly seemed a little royal, and I couldn't stop the smile on my face as I took all of it in.

After making sure the man was nowhere to be found outside the bathroom, I headed back towards Grandfather's office.

As I opened the office door, I tried to give everyone a smile. Adelaide seemed relieved I was back, and Grandfather only looked up with a questioning gaze.

"Sorry, um," There wasn't really much to say. "I'm better now."

"Everything's okay?" Grandfather made sure, my head nodding as I sat down back into the chair I had been in before. Was I sitting a little straighter? Were my legs now crossed more ladylike? It certainly felt like it.

"It's just, Mom never told me." I explained, Grandfather sighing in understanding.

"She never really told anyone why she left." He softly said, his gaze falling to some papers on the desktop. An abrupt buzzing sound echoed around the room as Adelaide checked her phone, excusing herself in French from the room.

"Didn't she leave to marry Dad?" I questioned. That was the reason Mom had always told me.

"I suspect it involved more than just being in love with your father." Grandfather responded. "Like I said, she never liked being in the spotlight like your aunts did."

I just couldn't imagine anyone who would want to leave this world. But if she did, why would she send me here to experience it?

I opened my mouth to ask another question when suddenly the door opened. Now, normally that wouldn't be so bad...if the man I had ran into in front of the bathrooms hadn't been the one that walked in. He seemed to be angry now, storming inside, his gaze directed at Grandfather as he walked over to the desk.

"Il faut qu'on parle." He angrily spoke, delicate French still sounding beautiful even when spoken in rage.

"Ah, yes we do." Grandfather remembered, leaning back in his fancy chair. All the while I was trying to hide my face behind my curled hair, my cheeks starting to burn again.

"What is this Adelaide told me about my photo shoot being canceled? I was going to get paid good money for that!" The man exclaimed, large palms pressing to the hard wood of Grandfather's desk in anger. Rings of all kinds of metals and designs gleamed in the sunlight, one beam making me flinch when it reflected right in my eye.

"The photographer canceled last minute. Relax, it was one photo shoot compared to the hundreds more you'll have this year. La vie continue." Grandfather ridiculed the man, who shot him a sour look.

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