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I had called Harry later that evening as I sat on my bed. My freshly washed hair lay over my shoulders on my silk pajama top as I had waited for what seemed like an eternity for Harry to pick up. I heard his heavy accent as soon as the persistent ringing noise stopped.

"Hello?" Harry's accent made his 'hello' sound more like an 'allo'.

"Harry? It's Marie." I said, though it was hard to hear with all the noise in the background.

"Marie?" Harry seemed confused on the other end of the line, the background noise seeming to get louder. "I don't know any Mar-not now Safie."

I could hear a feminine laugh near him, as well as the sound of people loudly laughing.

"Marie Daniels?" I tried again, the situation turning a little awkward for me. Was he at a party? By the sounds I was hearing, I figured he had to be.

"Daniels, I know a lovely Marie Daniels? Of course I do." Harry teased. I could practically see his little smirk now. "I was wondering if you lost the paper, you didn't call."

"You forgot me already?" I smiled as it became my turn to tease him. "I thought a proper French gentleman would remember the girl he ate with."

"I guess so. Maybe I'm not a proper French gentleman after all. What a terrible man your grandfather lets you hang around." Harry said, making me laugh. Yet another loud sound in the background made me wonder just what kind of crazy party he was at.

"Where on Earth are you? It's so loud over the phone." I asked.

"A friend's party. Louis can be quite the...spirited host." Harry snickered just as I heard a male voice yell out someone unintelligible.


"Tomlinson. He's a model too."

"Oh." I didn't really know what to say to that. Harry seemed to find my simple response amusing.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" I tried to change the topic. I could hear Harry humming in the speaker as he thought about it.

"I believe so." He finally spoke. "Being a model isn't always just going to parties and looking pretty."

"I can imagine." I said, the bustle of people still partying loudly on Harry's end seeming to never tire or get quieter. "I should probably let you get back to your party then."

"Probably. I can only assume you must have to get used to going to bed a little earlier. I'll call you tomorrow then." Harry agreed. "Goodnight, Miss Marie Daniels."

"Goodnight, Harry." I spoke quickly before Harry ended the call. I bit my lip as I pulled my phone from my ear, looking down at the screen before my thumb pressed over it to save Harry's number. I had to pause at one moment to realize that I was saving a male model's personal phone number into my phone...I would've normally laughed at the idea that something that amazing would happen.

I had placed my phone on my nightstand and turned out the lights before climbing into bed and falling asleep.

The next morning I seemed to be obsessed with my phone, holding it tight as I debated whether or not to call Harry first. Or what if he called me right at this very moment? I couldn't miss that for sure.

The maids seemed to be getting impatient with my constant reaching for my phone that lay on the countertop as they curled my hair, one in particular mumbling something that didn't sound very nice as I made one curl not turn out perfect from my moving.

Grandfather had told me that morning that we both were to attend a Chanel fashion show that afternoon, and the maids had saved me the stress of choosing what to wear and how to style my hair and makeup. I was excited to see the fashion show, don't get me wrong, I was just more excited for Harry's call.

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