The Invisible Pixies & Battle on Eraklyon

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Watch from start and end at 6:56

Bloom: "I'm going to meet up with my mom?" walk to Musa, Aisha and Stella.

Aisha: "Did you find your brother here?"

Bloom: "No, I don't but I thinks he with my mom or dad."

Stella: "I still can't believe he have a day off while we have to sneak out school."

Musa: "That a different between student and teacher stella."

Bloom: "By the way where are the pixies?" look around be see no pixies 

Musa: "Piff is right here in layla's hood."

Stella: "And locket got spooked by one of those smelly hover bikes on wheels things."

Aisha: "But don't worry the other want to find her." point to a parked.

Bloom ask in surprise: "You mean you let the pixies wander off by themselve?"

Stella: "What the biggie, they'll find their way down to the eart..." cut off by bloom

Bloom say in worry: "Stella this is earth, no one here even seen a pixies who knows what could happen?"

Inside a Park

Two lover kiss a goodbye kiss and the boy enter a taxi car and drive a way. on the cliff amore look at the sight.

Amore: "The so romantic." Locket look amore while Tune looking at the young girl

Tune: "Well, aren't you a proper young lady."

Girl smile blush: "Yes madam."

Locket yell the two of them: "Come on, we got to get back."

Amore come to locket and pointed out her: "Hey, we're only here because you got spooked and took off you know." Locket sigh while didn't see the two police coming behind them.

Police: "Well, Well What have we here?" girl and pixies look back and see two police man

Police: "Have you lost your way little girl." Girl nod and look at the pixies who look back at her "Allright, let's go find your mom and dad." give her hand and girl took it.

Two Polices man and girl walk away while girl told

Girl: "Three magic friends keep me company you know?"

Police: "Oh really , isn't that lucky."

Tune: "I don't understand what going on?"

???: "The adult can't see us while human child and animals can still see us." three pixies turn around see there big sis

Tune/Amore/Locket: "Big sis Rose."

Rose arm cross: "Now, tell me why are you here?"

Amore: "Well.." 

After explaining and meeting with winx again

Musa, Aisha and stella walking around the city with their pixies.

Amor: "Finally, we're all back together again well expect for one." flying beside musa

Musa: "Yes, I hope bloom and Izuku can join us later."

Stella: "It'd be shame if she were miss these sales."

Aisha: "I can't believe her scaredy-cat pixie went with her."

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