well it was a dream!

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Kinn was on his way to a meeting when his car's tier got punctured he gasped "gosh..this day can't be any worse" before running his finger on his hair.

He was lost in his thoughts when he heard a honk. He curiously looked up and saw it was a man, A MAN wearing white shirt with black jeans with perfectly tugged hair and a fuking luxurious car, while kinn was observing all these details the car already came close to kinn and he observed he knew the man who was inside the car and any guess who he was? well it was VEGAS.

"why are you standing like a statue in the way"? vegas asked with a irritated and annoyed tone.

kinn snapped his eyes towards vegas and said "i..my c-car's tier got punctured so i..umm" he mentally slapped himself for shuttering infront of his biggest and worse enemy. Gosh he was literally checking vegas out who was his cousin/enemy/fiancee..wait what!

"kinn, kinn,KINN did you became deaf or what" vegas shouted and kinn went "what..what did you said"? "Hence proved Motherfucker kinn is deaf" vegas said sarcastically.

"uhh..don't cross your limits dick head vegas. just leave i don't want to talk with a loser, coward, a heartless person who is also a cheater, a fucking betrayer" kinn said those things so that vegas will get annoyed and angry with kinn and will leave him alone but no instead he got down from his car and walked toward kinn.

Kinn took few steps backwards when vegas held kinn's shoulders tightly before pulling him close to himself
"maybe you missed something..apart from these names you just gave me, you must remember that i am your soon to be husband".

He said and kinn widened his eyes, his face turned pale with anger and disgust  vegas continued by saying "ohh..honey this much hate huh, don't worry after our marriage you will hate me even more and one more this better keep your opinions to your self cuz i know how to shut you up" and again gave a smirk to kinn.

He started leaning closer and closer to kinn's face and kinn tried to free himself from his grip but everything was useless. Vegas was close like dangerously close to kinn's liking and now the situation was almost like just a little breath or the slightest moment and their lips will touch..and then vegas moved and...................."BOOM"

kinn opned his eyes and sat straight on his bed. He signed in realife that it was just a dream but he shook his head in frustration cuz man why the hell he was dreaming about vegas kissing him...call him stupid he kept thinking about this for 30 minutes straight but again 'It was just a dream'.

Hey..how was it? was it good enough..well i tried my best to express this whole scenario in a proper way , that too in such a short notice. so yeah, hope you guys enjoyed. Do tell me in the comments what you guys think about this chapter. Also do you want me to write a oneshot well it's about firstkhaotung, it's based on their characters sandray from only friends. Till we meet again ❤❤

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