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(Picture of Zane)

I woke up to women screaming. Babys wailing. Men yelling for mercy. Panick shot through me as the coppery smell of blood invaded my senses. We were under attack.

I shot up out of my bed quickly grabbing the knife under my mattress to protect myself. With long determined strides I made my way down the stairs and out the front door.

I had to stop myself from shifting right on the spot. I felt my blood boil as I took in the sight before me. Buildings were on fire. Numerous pack members were injured. Some dead. Werewoves were fighting with every ounce of engery they had. But it wasn't enough. We were out numbered. By a lot.

Anger coursed through me. Angela, my wolf was itching to be released. I knew if I ran out there I was as good as dead. But I was no coward. I closed my eyes devising a plan to end this monsterous fight.

With a deep sigh I knew what I had to do. Kill their leader. The Alpha.

As I took that one step onto the battle feild a majestic scent overwhelmed me. Vanilla with a hint of spice. "Mate" Angela practically yelled inside my head. I ignored her. I already knew what was happening. I've heard enough storys from all around to know.

But I'll be damned if I ever accept it. I didn't want a mate. I liked doing what I wanted and when I wanted. A mate would only try to control me. And that was just not going to happen.

I looked up and there he was standing smack in the middle of the battle. The alpha. My mate.

Everything seemed to disappear. Like we were the only ones who exsisted. I felt my feet move against my will as if I were under a spell.

A sharp pain exploded in my side as I went flying across the feild and crashed into the ground. It took me a second to relize what happened.

A wolf just rammed into me. A vicious growl erupted from the alpha echoing through out the night. Everyone stopped as he made his way toward me. Reality crashed down on me. No! I will not let a wolfy bond let a man that is clearly half crazy ruin my life. My wolf let out a soft cry at my thoughts. I blocked her out needing to think without her trying to cloud my judgements.

I jumped to my feet letting out a slight whimper from the pain. The alpha took no mercy. He continued walking towards me with a look of a predator about to catch his prey.

As he neared I took a step back. He raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner but didn't stop his slow approach. Every step he took, I took one back. He let out a low warning growl.

I felt my eyes widen. But continued the never ending dance we had going on. Or so I thought it was never ending.

My back soon bumped into a chest. I could tell it was a girl. For alphas were possessive. I knew he would never let another man ever touch me. I felt arms wrap around my biceps securing me in place. A smirk crawled up the alphas face.

Thats when I saw fire. I was beyond livid. I threw my head back hard and fast hitting the girl in her nose. She let go of me grabbing her nose groaning. Without a second thought I made a break for it, running towards the forest.

I heard footsteps nearing me. Knowing who it was made me picke up speed. I knew I couldn't run forever. I was stupid to think a alpha wouldn't be able to catch me. Without a second thought I turned around in a fighting position.

The alpha stopped and stared at me. It was quiet. The only thing breaking the silence was our heavy breathing.

I took a second to really look at him. He was with no question asked the sexiest thing to ever walk the planet. With Crystal blue eyes and midnight black hair he was just perfect. His nose looked like as if it had been broken at one point in his life with light freckles skidding across the top making him all the more cuter. He had taned but toned skin. I could practically see his abs through his white shirt.

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