🌺We'll meet again pt2🌺

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Story type: fluff


The two men crossed the portal holding hands, ready to not see each other anymore. Scar was also holding the necklace Grian gave him since he didn't want to lose it while crossing the portal.

They opened their eyes, already back on Hermitcraft and on their beds. All their memories came back, thay remembered everything now, the Hermitcraft seasons, the life series and their conversation before going back.

Grian got out of his base and ran ro Scar's, not even bothering to fly. They found each other and hugged, tears running down their cheeks.

Scar- I told you that we would meet again, didn't I?

Grian- You did, and you still have the necklace on!

Scar- Of course! Why would I take it off?

Grian- I don't really know, but I'm glad you didnt.

Scar- I may have had it for a short period of time, but it's really special to me now.

Grian- I'm glad, a feather is only gifted to a partner.

Scar- It's even more special to me now, then!

Grian laughed a bit and looked up to meet Scar's gaze, both men getting closer and kissing for the first time on that server, not noticing the mass of people that was forming around them.

Xisuma- "Shush X, we're not a couple!", so you weren't dating, huh?

Both Grian and Scar turned around only to see all Hermitcraft looking at them, some of them giggling, some of them celebrating and some of them just confused.

Grian- Life series?

Grian tried explaining, failing miserably at it. Scar laughed a bit.

Scar- We're basically soulmates, and when we found out we ended up being romantic soulmates. I think that the third life drama had something to do with it.

Mumbo- Now that's a better explanation.

At this point the hermits that were on the life series just explained to everyone else what happened there.

Xisuma- Now that was a lot of drama, why did you do that Grian?

Grian- I was too scared to lose Scar again.

Scar- And I forgive him for it

Pearl- Wait, Scar do you have a necklace with one of Grian's feathers?

Scar- He gave it to me

Pearl- Oh wow, you are lucky!

After everyone slowly started going away Scar and Grian went back into the avian's base and spent the rest of the day cuddling, and doing the one thing that they couldn't do before, enjoy their time with each other.

Scarian drabbles // By FiulandaWhere stories live. Discover now