5 - Friendship & Heartbreak

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Streber was on his phone, waiting for a text. "When is he coming?.." Streber thought. He felt his hands start to shake. "..why do I care so much anyway?.. It's not like he'd like someone like me back." Streber thought. His heart started to pound in his chest. He was interrupted by a knock from the door. He felt his heart drop. "Shit! He's here already?!" Streber started to slightly panic. He quickly got up and dashed towards the door

"Hi, Streber!" Leon smiled softly as Streber opened the door quickly. "H-Hi!" Streber smiled back nervously. "I hope I'm not bothering you." Leon worried, He grabbed the back of his neck. "Oh no, It's fine, really!" Streber took a step back and motioned Leon to enter. "Please, Come in!" Streber smiled. Leon smiled warmly and went in. Leon walked past Streber. Streber felt his heart start to pound in his chest again. "Shit. What do I do." Streber thought. Leon turned around to face Streber. "So what'll we do today?" He smiled innocently. Streber turned a but pink but he shook away his thoughts. "Um, I'm not sure. I was kinda hoping we could just.. Go out somewhere for the day?" Streber smiled nervously. Leon fidgeted with his hands. "Yeah, that's fine!" Leon smiled softly. "Okay, you want to go now?" Streber smiled warmly. "Sure!" Leon chirped. "Ok, Come on!" Streber smiled, He was feeling confident in himself again.


It had been at least an hour since they had gone out. They started to get tired and thirsty. "Hey, Streber, Are you hungry for anything?" Leon smiled. Streber looked at him and thought about it. He was a bit hungry, Just not that hungry to actually want to eat food. "Um, yeah, but I just want a snack." Streber smiled warmly. Leon turned a slight shade of pink. "Um, Oh!" Leons eyes lit up. "I know a good place around here!" Leon smiled, He grabbed Streber by the wrist and dragged him around the corner.

Strebers eyes widened as he saw the shop that Leon was leading him to. The sign read, "Candy Club". Streber stopped himself and Leon felt it. "Huh? Streber are you okay?" Leon looked at him. Streber felt his heart drop. He didn't want to upset Leon. "Y-Yeah.. I'm fine.." Streber faked a smile. Leon hadn't noticed 'till he had turned around and thought about it. Leons smile faded but he still went inside, wanting to make Streber feel better with candy. Unfortunately, This would make him feel bad.

Leon and Streber both went up to the counter, Streber forcing a smile the entire time. Streber prayed with his entire heart that he didn't see the one person he didn't wanna see. His heart was pounding in his chest rapidly.

Leon looked at him. He felt bad, he didn't know what was wrong with Streber. "Streber?" Leon called out to him. Streber looked at him, his gaze softens and he looks at Leon with a trusting look in his eyes. "Are you okay?" Leon said, His voice seemed softer than before. Streber repeated Leons words in his mind. It calmed him down, He took a breath and thought again. "I can't ruin this day for Leon... For Leon." Streber thought. He sighed and smiled softly. "Yeah, Come. Let's get you some candy." Streber said, His voice was soft now too. They were both calmed down. They both trusted each other. It was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Once they had gotten the candy they both wanted, they went up to the counter. Streber started to tremble. Leon noticed, He wanted to find out why Streber was sad. He wanted to make him feel better. Leon slowly and carefully moved his hands towards Strebers. Streber slightly jumped at the action. But soon, they were holding hands. Reassuring each other that they were there for one another. Streber stopped trembling and took another breath. 'Till he felt his heart drop again.

He saw that someone familiar walked up to the counter.

Someone he didn't want to be reminded of again.


"I love you." || (L × S) ★ [A Spooky Month Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now