A destroyers will

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Void Walker arrived at the edge of his universe, his purpose unclear. He had grown weary of searching for gods and decimating countless aliens. As he gazed into the vast void, his attention was drawn to an odd-shaped barrier. Curiosity piqued, he prepared to unleash his power upon it, but his attack proved futile, instead sending him crashing into a nearby planet.

Grimacing in pain, Void Walker rose to his feet, ready to fly away. However, he was halted by the sound of a voice.

??? - "Hey, you! Who are you?"

He turned to see a child standing before him, confusion etched on their face.

Void Walker - "Who I am is none of your business," he retorted, raising his hand to attack the child.

To his surprise, the child effortlessly dodged his attack, appearing behind him in an instant.

Child - "Ohhh, was that the attack you destroyed Earth with? It's SO COOL!" The child's admiration bewildered Void Walker, who then lunged forward with a kick. Yet again, the child evaded his strike, swiftly repositioning themselves above him and delivering a powerful kick that sent him crashing into the ground.

Child - "Wait, didn't you kill my uncle's angel spirit too? That was really mean of you, mister. My uncle wanted to meet you."

Enraged, Void Walker released a burst of energy, sending the child flying. Determined, he grabbed the child's legs and flung them back to the earth, preparing to strike with his blade.

Void Walker - "Good riddance."

Before he could land the finishing blow, someone grabbed his blade from behind.

??? - "That's quite enough."

Turning his head, Void Walker faced a radiant figure with dark skin, their eyes emanating a displeased blue glow. This self-proclaimed destroyer was none too pleased that Void Walker had harmed their child and slain an angel spirit.

??? - "So, this is the human who thought he had the right to destroy my angel and his planet."

With little effort, the figure launched Void Walker into the planet's surface, creating a massive crater and injuring him.

As Void Walker lay in the hole, he defiantly extended his hand.

??? - "You are no god; you are still a mortal," the figure remarked.

Void Walker responded with a petty gesture, sticking up his middle finger in defiance.

??? - "Seriously? Your middle finger?" The figure turned around, walking toward their child. "I thought you had a trick up your sleeve or something. Seriously, man, unim-"

Suddenly, a powerful blast of energy burst from the crater, striking the figure in the back and sending them hurtling into a mountain.

Void Walker emerged from the creator, summoning his blade back into his hands.

Void Walker - "You're strong, way stronger than Acura ever was, that's for sure. This should be fun."

The figure rose from the mountain, their eyes ablaze with fiery blue intensity. They summoned a colossal sledgehammer, its handles twice the size of Void Walker. Unfazed, Void Walker challenged them.

Void Walker - "I like to know the names of my victims, so please," he pointed his blade at the deity, "indulge me."

The deity grinned in response, mirroring Void Walker's gesture by pointing their weapon at him.

??? - "My name? Starkiller."

Void Walker - "Well, Starkiller, it will be a great honor to kill you."

Starkiller - "I bestow you the same honor."

Starkiller charged at Void Walker, who assumed a defensive stance, prepared to counter the onslaught with his blade. But in a blink of an eye, Starkiller disappeared and reappeared behind him, striking him with their hammer and sending him crashing into the ground.

Undeterred, Void Walker rose to his feet, feeling the surge of adrenaline fuel his determination. His eyes gleamed with renewed purpose as he prepared to turn the tides of the battle.

Void Walker - You may be strong, Starkiller, but I am not so easily defeated. Prepare yourself!

Void Walker taps into the depths of his power, drawing upon the vast reserves of energy within him. His aura intensifies, crackling with raw power. He charges at Starkiller with unparalleled speed, his blade gleaming in the dim light.

Starkiller, caught off guard by Void Walker's sudden burst of energy, struggles to defend himself against the relentless onslaught. Void Walker's strikes come faster and stronger, each blow landing with devastating precision.

As they clash, the surrounding landscape trembles under the force of their battle. Void Walker's attacks tear through the air, leaving trails of destruction in their wake. Starkiller, though powerful, finds himself pushed to his limits, his defense weakening with each passing moment.

With a mighty swing of his blade, Void Walker manages to land a critical blow on Starkiller, sending him hurtling backward. Sensing an opportunity, Void Walker presses his advantage, launching a barrage of energy blasts towards his weakened opponent.

Starkiller, his energy waning, struggles to deflect the onslaught of attacks. The sheer force behind Void Walker's assault is overwhelming. However, Starkiller refuses to yield, summoning the last remnants of his strength to counterattack.

With a tremendous roar, Starkiller channels his remaining energy into a devastating blast that engulfs the battlefield. The explosion rocks the surroundings, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

Void Walker, though caught in the blast, manages to shield himself with a barrier of energy. As the smoke clears, he emerges, his aura flickering with defiance. Determined to end the battle once and for all, he charges towards Starkiller, his blade glowing with a blinding intensity.

The two warriors clash, their strikes echoing through the empty void. Each blow lands with incredible force, their power resonating with the remnants of the destroyed planet. The battle reaches its climax as Void Walker's final, decisive strike pierces through Starkiller's defenses.

A surge of energy erupts from the point of contact, engulfing both combatants. The force of the explosion propels Void Walker backward, leaving him suspended in the air, surrounded by the remnants of their battle.

As the dust settles, Void Walker slowly descends to the ground, his body battered and bruised. He gazes upon Starkiller, who lies motionless, defeated.

Void Walker - It seems our battle has come to an end, Starkiller. Your power was formidable, but in the end, it was not enough.

Void Walker takes a moment to catch his breath, his thoughts turning to the destruction he had wrought and the lives he had taken. He smiles with joy proud of the destruction he's brung to the universe. Proud to see that even with in the heat of battle his powers grows. He leaves the child alone forgetting about him as in his head in self engulfed by himself and his greatness. He leaves to find just to wonder aimlessly in the universe until he finds his next target

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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