Chapter 5

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November was here. All the spooky decorations were taken off, and instead, simple fall decorations, and this month, was the first Quidditch game of the year. I was named the first Rescuer in Quidditch. So much for Draco saying that I wasn't gonna be big for long, because this just meant I was getting more fame. I got my own Gryffindor jersey. The match was supposed to be against Slytherin. If we won, I could laugh in Draco's face.
    Soon enough, it was the day of the match. By that time, my arm had fully healed. From one side of the stadium, we all wore our jerseys and entered. I sprouted my wings to be ready. I watched the match from the ground, intently, trying to understand the game to the fullest. Then when I was needed, I scanned the area for any brooms going crazy on our team. Some of them did, and I quickly rescued those people so that they didn't fall, sending them back into the game. Fans were cheering my name and Harry's. I couldn't blame them. Harry was the youngest student ever to join a Quidditch team.
    That's when the main ball started going out of control. It was heading towards Harry. My instincts immediately kicked in. I flew towards him, and pushed him out of the way. But unfortunately, it was like the ball was chasing him, which wasn't normal. I had to take a different approach. I tried to stop the ball with my telekinesis, but whatever was controlling it was too strong. It was time for a last resort. I made an illusion of a thumb ring with a rooster kwami. I thought of the powers I wanted it to have. I blew into my hands with my breath, and it glowed golden. I opened my hands and the thumb ring was real. I put it on, and Orikko, the rooster kwami appeared next to me.
    I yelled, "Sunrise!" My jersey and outfit turned into a rooster-themed super suit. Then I called out, "Sublimation! I wish for the ability to stop this ball chasing us!"
    Finally, I caught the moving ball in my hand, just as it was about to hit Harry. Someone must've hexed the ball. Who would do that? I wasn't sure. But suddenly, I couldn't see Ron and Hermione in the crowd. Something suspicious was going on here. The good thing was that we had won, because Harry caught the flying snitch. Gryffindor had won, which was a reason to celebrate.
    Later, I found out from Hermione and Ron, that they had seen Snape hexing the ball. That sly man. After that, we went to Hagrid's cabin to ask him about it.
    "I assure you, Severus is a good man," Hagrid said. "He would never do something like that."
    "But we saw him," Hermione pleaded. "What is he trying to do?"
    "Wasn't he a spy for the bad guys at some point?" Ron asked.
    "Yes, but he's a good man now," Hagrid said. "He would never go against Dumbledore. I've known him a lot longer than you have, and sure, he can be a little cruel, but he wouldn't go against him. But, you didn't hear this from me, someone is definitely trying to hurt you, Harry. They're probably after the Sorcerer's Stone."
    "The Sorcerer's Stone?" I asked. "What's that?"
    "It's a powerful jewel, said to be located under the school. But nobody goes down there."
    Something was definitely off. Snape hexed the ball. I believed Hermione. She wouldn't lie. It had to be him. There was no doubt about it. Snape was always suspicious to me, but Hagrid said he knew him for longer, and I knew Hagrid wouldn't lie to us either. I didn't quite know who to believe. I needed advice. Annabeth could help me. And not only that, I thought it was time I tell Ron, Harry and Hermione the truth so I didn't seem suspicious either. So later in the day, I told them to meet me in the library.
    When they got there, I immediately came clean about the Multiverse. I told them all about it, my actual life back home, the trauma, and briefly summarized my adventure with Percy, Annabeth and Grover. I told them how I was sent on a mission here, and in order to go back home, I needed to help them.
    "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Harry asked. "We would've understood."
    "I have trust issues," I sighed. "Because of my trauma, and finding out certain friends were fake, I have found it not as easy to trust people. So I wanted to see if you guys were trustworthy enough to keep this secret. If other people find out about the Multiverse, who knows what could happen? They could use it to their own advantage."
    "There's one thing I don't get," Hermione raised her hand. "If time is stopped on Earth-14, how have you been getting letters from them?"
    "The Multiverse is all-powerful, capable of anything you can imagine, even that. Although I haven't gotten a response to the letters I sent about the troll yet. I'll be sending two more letters tonight. I also made more postcards to send, pictures of the Quidditch match."
    That's when Duchess came flying into the library, with two letters within her talons.
    "Oh, never mind," I said, as Duchess gave me the letters.
    I opened the one from Annabeth, but there wasn't just a letter in the envelope. There was a vial of nectar with a cork.
    "What's that?" Harry asked.   
    "It's nectar, it helps heal demigods," I said. "She sent some over, after I sent her the letter about the troll hurting me, I'm guessing."
    I opened the letter up to see that it was quite short, and read aloud, replicating her voice:

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