Chapter 15 - Part 1

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As promised, Kallup knocked on the door before dawn, so early that Aran had barely woken up. The Ebony Rooster reported that he had also received orders to escort Aran Allet and the Lud young boys to the Ducal Palace, but he didn't add anything else. Aran looked at his friends one by one, their expressions full of fear. He knew he was the anchor point for the whole group, the decision would be up to him. And he chose to wait and let Hyon take the lead.

Hyon agreed, on the condition that Cora stayed home to keep him company; a valid compromise that was fine with the Amanastrian commander.

They left the master's house full of doubts, their eyes carefully searching for traces of Kharzan soldiers.

"You should only speak if spoken to, the Duke values etiquette," said Kallup on the way. Aran took one last look at the master's house. Cora was watching them from the window. He gave him a nod of understanding which his friend returned. Why did they leave him there? He didn't understand and he liked it even less than this meeting with the Duke. He kept his eyes on him until they turned the corner and headed into the pearly morning fog. The sky was thick with grayish clouds coming from the east.

When they arrived in the square, Aran immediately noticed Vega and his men in high uniform. It was as if they were waiting for them, standing tall and talking to his subordinates without flinching. The boy drew Camiel's attention. "They're already here," he said, pointing to the captain.

The warrior looked around, fists clenched. "I see them..."

The young Allet gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. "That man was in Lud. He was talking to your father before the attack," whispered Camiel. The captain returned their attention with a fake smile.

Kallup and Camiel headed straight for the entrance. Aran followed, and when he was near the Kharzanian, he took on a defiant expression.

They walked past the Goliath in the form of a knight and went under the tall and heavy main gate. They continued walking along a covered cloister. Fez slowed down with his nose up. Aran looked up and understood his friend's reasons. The vaulted ceiling was frescoed with depictions of dancing maidens, joyful infants, and armed warriors that succeeded each other between the round, colorful windows.

"Attention!" shouted one of the lancers not far away. The group of armored soldiers parted to let their commander pass. Guarding the throne room, among the dynamic marble statues under the colonnade, two stood majestic, staring into the void. Both held a scroll and a balance.

Amidst a group of well-dressed men, a scrawny valet with a peculiar deflated hat on his head bowed over a parchment. Clearing his throat, he announced, "Duke Valiant VI Stassor, following this morning's meeting, has issued the following prices at the end of yesterday's list." He pointed to a line. "Seven sacks of wheat for a barrel of plain wine, a gold fist for a horse, and a silver arm." He coughed and adjusted his hat. "Taxes, until the next moon, are five parts of a hundred for each exchange at the port and seven parts of a hundred within the walls." The men around him jotted down notes on their papers and hurried off. The valet looked up, his eyes widening as he saw Kallup Yazzan just a few steps away from him, and ordered him in a high-pitched voice to open the door to the hall.

The boys entered in strict silence, in a single line, with Fez hiding behind Camiel. Marmorel took Aran's hand, and he suppressed a smile. "Stay calm," he told her, hoping it would work for once. She nodded and took a deep breath.

Aran took another step forward, towards the steep staircase leading to the throne. The gold and silver that adorned it contrasted with the Duke's red and purple attire. The man made no secret of his wealth, at least judging by the number of rings that adorned the fat, pale fingers just outside the frayed sleeves. The crown was no less ostentatious, with engraved decorations and precious stones forming a two-headed eagle. The ruler lazily looked over each of the guests and smiled.

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