Drabble 1: hold me close

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The previously blue sky bled into darkness, stars dotted across the expanse. The moon was obscured by foggy clouds, but its light still shone through, casting a warm glow over the two figures.

Trophy and Cheesy were huddled on the edge of Cheesy's bedroom window, legs dangling over the open air below. They chatted playfully, with Cheesy throwing out a joke every now and then. Trophy chuckled at Cheesy's lame puns, "say another shit joke like that and I'll push you out of the window."

"I'll just pull you down with me!"
Cheesy threatened in a kind, taunting tone. The pair shared a laugh as they leaned into each other.

"Fuck, when did it get so cold?" Trophy shivered slightly, feeling the chill in the air.

"You can have my blanket if you're cold." Cheesy offered, crawling over to his bed to retrieve the soft throw. He dragged it over to Trophy's side of the window and draped it over them both to stave off the night's chill.

Cheesy hesitantly shuffled closer to Trophy, seeking comfort in Trophy's presence. The metal figure turned to look at Cheesy, cocking a brow inquisitively. As the temperature outside continued to drop, Cheesy huddled closer to Trophy, finding warmth and comfort in his embrace.

Trophy wrapped an arm around Cheesy, pulling the smaller closer to him. Cheesy leaned his weight against Trophy's cold, metal frame, feeling a sense of solace for the first time in a while. The two fell into comfortable silence, basking in the warm glow of the moon and the warmth of each other's company.

As the night wore on, Cheesy yawned and felt his eyelids grow heavy. Trophy noticed this and broke into a small smile, feeling a sense of contentment. He muttered something indistinctly to himself, to which Cheesy glanced up, grinning.

"What was that, Trophy?" Cheesy asked, his voice teasing.

"N-nothing, nothing." Trophy huffed, vehemently denying that he'd said anything at all. Cheesy kept his gaze locked on Trophy, confident that he would eventually cave.

And cave he did. With a small sigh, Trophy murmured, "I love you." Cheesy's eyes sparkled, and a small wave of joy rippled through his body. The latter leaned up to kiss Trophy's cheek, chuckling.

"I love you too, pretty boy!" Cheesy cooed playfully, causing Trophy to groan.

"You're so cheesy—" Trophy paused midway through a huff, realising what he just said. He knew exactly what Cheesy was gonna say, "dont you dare, you cringey bastard!" The taller warned, chuckling slightly.

"Fine, fine! You killjoy." The block of cheese giggled, nudging Trophy.

Cheesy's elation was unrivaled at that moment, the feeling of love and safety that had rushed within him almost overwhelming. He leaned back against Trophy's embrace, contented. The pair sat in comfortable silence, the only sounds to be heard being the gentle rustling of the breeze and the distant calls of the forest's inhabitants.

And for once, all was right in the world.

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