Chapter 24 - Vecna

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3rd Person

"Please, j-" Will began, but he stopped talking.

Mike, Lucas and Dustin all shared a look, and Mike spoke up gently.

"Will?" He whispered, wiping away the few tears that had fell from his face.

He looked over at his boyfriend, and his eyes were rolled back.

"Shit, Vecna has him." Mike told the others, who immediately felt themselves panick.

"Shit, o-okay. Me and Dustin will go and tell everybody else!" Lucas told Mike, who nodded before turning back to Will.

He was breathing heavily and his eyes were twitching.

"Will, I-I know that this is scary but you'll be okay, yeah?" Mike spoke to Will, although he knew Will wouldn't be able to hear him.

Will was hyperventilating, and Mike felt his heart racing.

"Y-You're going to be okay. Just hold on, Will." Mike continued, hoping Will could hear him.

Eleven's POV

"It's ready." Erica tells me, and I nod.

"Okay, do you have radio?" I ask her, and she holds up her radio.

"Okay, I'll go in now." I tell her, and she gives me a small smile.

"Good luck." She gives me a thumbs up, and I smile back at her.

I step into the tub, and lay down slowly, putting on the glasses me and Erica made.

(idk how tf she goes into the void
so let's just pretend shes in it..)

I open my eyes and see darkness, but it begins to fade away and I'm somewhere familiar.

"What's happening?" Erica's voice echoed.

"I am in a memory. Will's memory." I reply.

I look around, and it looks like im in the woods.

"Joyce, he shouldn't be using fucking crayons. He's a man." I hear a man's voice, so I walk over to it.

I walk over and see Joyce with a man, and behind him looking scared is Will, who must only be about 7 years old.

"Lonnie if he wants to play with crayons then let him! It's not harming you." Joyce scowled at Lonnie.

"I see him. He's small. He is with his mum and dad." I speak up.

"Is there any sign of Vecna? Or just something that shouldn't be there?" I hear Erica's voice again.

"I don't see anything odd." I tell her, and my surroundings begin to fade.

"I will see if I can find him." I tell her, and I begin to think.

I hear rumbling, so I open my eyes.

I'm back in the woods?

I hear leaves crunching, so I turn around and see somebody running.

"You cannot escape me, William." I hear Vecna's voice boom, so I know what's going on.

I see a vine grab Will's leg, and he fell over.

"SHIT!" He yelled, trying to stop himself from being pulled towards Vecna.

"LET GO OF ME!" He screamed, and his hand began to dig into the vines holding him down.

Everything around me begun to go red, and I knew exactly where we were.

"William, I thought you were ready?" Vecna taunted him, and I began to walk over.

Nobody saw me as I got closer, and I saw the tears in Will's eyes.

"I thought you wanted to go? I can end your suffering." Vecna tilted his head slightly, and I saw a tear slip from Will's eye.

"Do not cry, Will. It will all be over soon." Vecna lifted his claw above Will's face.

I use my powers to fling Vecna away from Will, and Will dropped to the floor.

I kept Vecna in the air, and I turned him to face me as I walked towards Will.

"Eleven." Vecna growled, looking down at me.

"Hi." I speak grimly, before throwing him against a big pillar of God knows what.

I hear a loud growl from him, but I rush over to Will.

"Are you okay? Do you hurt?" I ask him, looking around at his body.

"I'm fine, please j-just help." Will begged me, his eyes watery and his legs shaking.

"Yes, I will. Hide." I told him, and he nodded and turned.

I turned back to face Vecna, but he was gone.

I feel panick rise in my chest, but I try to ignore it and I look around for him.

"Eleven. You think you and your friends can stop me?" Vecna's voice came from above me.

I lookes around and saw a big broken staircase, Vecna stood at the top of it.

"Don't you dare touch my brother." I warned him.

"You do not frighten me, Eleven." He taunted, and I felt vines wrap around my ankles.

I use my powers to split them in half, and they unwrap from my ankles.

I stick my arm out and Vecna gets thrown off the staircase and into a clock thats floating in the air.

I hear him groan so I continue to slam him on everything that I could find.

My arms begin to get tired, and I can feel myself getting weaker.

I drop him, and I close my eyes, breathing heavily.

I hear a loud growl, and I open my eyes to see him gone.

"Where is he!?" I panick, looking around.

"You will never win this, Eleven." Vecna speaks, and I feel myself being lifted in the air.

I try to fight back, but he's stronger then me.

I look down at him, and he's got Will over his shoulder, and he looks unconscious.

"No! Get off of him!" I try and use my powers, but there's something wrong.

"There is no stopping this, Eleven." He tells me, and I feel vines wrapping around my wrists.

He drops me and I fall to the floor, but the vines begin to drag me up onto a door.

"D-Don't touch him." I breathe out, but my eyelids begin to drop and I can feel myself getting tired.

"You can not stop this now." Vecna tells me, and he lifts his claw above Will's face.

not proof read 😞

{Word Count: 1000}

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