Does he really loves me?

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Hey guys, Ik the first part was a bit boring, but this one won't be 🤍

You heard a knock and your father made his way to the door,
"No dad I'll do it"
You quickly wiped away your tears and opened the door and it was
"Tom what are you doing here? It's late"
You said
"You didn't text me or call me, you just left I was worried"
He said with a worried voice
"Y/n, what happened to your face?"
He said as he got closer
"I fell downstairs.."
You said
"You know that such wounds don't happen from an accident in the stairs"
You wanted to say something, but your father screamed
"Y/N Y/NL"
Tom looked at you scared
"I have to go now"
You said
"Y/n what's going on?"
"Nothing, Tom go home now it's late"

You just wanted to enter the house, but Tom held your wrist and pulled you closer to him, he looked deep into your eyes
Your father came and you quickly pushed Tom away from you and you looked at your father.
Tom realized that you were afraid
"Y/n who is this?!"
Your father asked you angrily
"That's Tom, he is my friend"
You said
Your father looked at you again and went in.
"Was that your father?"
Tom asked
You said
You saw how Tom was worried
"Tom are you scared?"
You asked
He said
"But he doesn't do anything to you"
You said while you looked at him in the eyes
"I'm not afraid or worried that he will do something to me, I'm afraid that he will do something to you again.."
He said as he got even closer
He looked deep into your eyes and then at your lips.
And kissed you..
The kiss was very intense, he had his hands around your waist, and your arms were around his neck.
You had stopped kissing, and Tom smiled and gave you another kiss on the cheek and whispered to you
"Good night"
He said
You smiled and went in, you went to your room where your bathroom was and you also went there, you saw in the mirror that you had so many wounds on your face, you put your pajamas and were on your bed, you thought about Tom and the a kiss all the time until you fall asleep.

Your alarm rang at 6am and you got ready, you went downstairs and made breakfast for your father when it was finished, you went to the bus stop.
Tom saw you and hugged you from behind and gave you a kiss on your neck, you turned your head backwards and noticed it was Tom, you smiled a little.

The bus came and you and Tom sat down he had his hand on you thigh but many girls on the bus looked at you and some also made disgusting looks you felt a little insecure and looked at the floor and then back at the window.
When the bus arrived, everyone get off and you made your way to the girls toilet, you went to a cabin and looked at your phone, then a few girls came and talked about you and Tom

Girl 1: "How can Tom be with such a girl?
She is so ugly"

Girl 2: "Maybe they're not together at all, I heard that in his last school he had something with a lot of girls, maybe he's just bored and is with her."

Girl 1: "How do you know that?"

Girl 3: "Here are a few people who were also in his school"

Girl 2: "I also heard that he only lasts for a few days or one week and he immediately has a new one because he quickly gets bored, well, who wants to be with her at all ? She is so ugly"

*The girls started laughing*

You started to cry what they just said hurt you a lot and you couldn't believe what they said about Tom

In your mind:
"Tom is just playing with me?"
"But he was so nice.."

The girls went and you decided to go home because you were not well, so you waited until the class started so that no one would see you as you go out of school, you went home because no more bus came.
When you were home, your father slept, you went to your room and lay down on the bed and started to crying because it was your first time you really fell in love

After all, you fell asleep..


I saw y/n how she went to the toilet and I went to my locker and I got my thing and went to class and left my things there and looked for
Y/n I didn't find her anywhere so I asked a few girls if they had seen y/n there,
and they say no so I kept looking for her and text her and tried to call her, I then found Mia and I told her everything and she tried to call her but she didn't answer, lessons started and I texted y/n again she didn't answer I was so worried.


You woke up with a headache and picked up your phone, you had 10 missed calls from Tom and 5 from Mia (your bsf) and messages from Tom you opened the messages and it said:

You woke up with a headache and picked up your phone, you had 10 missed calls from Tom and 5 from Mia (your bsf) and messages from Tom you opened the messages and it said:

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You called Mia and she answered very quickly

"Hey Mia"
"Y/N! Why didn't you answer?? And where tf are you??"
"I went home, I wasn't feeling well"
"Y/n.., you know you had to let me or Tom know, he was so worried"
"I know, I'm sorry"
"Should I give you Tom? He's in the living room"
"Wait, what is Tom with you?"
"Yea? Should I give you Tom now or not?"

With Tom:

"Where have you been?"
"Why? What happened?"
"Why do you ask? You can't care about that either!"
"Ofc I care"
"Why are you mad?"
"I'm not"
"No, not at all"
He said sarcastically
"I have headache, maybe that's why I'm in a bad mood"
You said (lying)
"Should I come over later?"
"Why not now?"
"Because I'm about to watch a movie with Mia"
"Oh ok"
"Okay, Mia is there, we're watching the movie now, i love you"
"Love you too"
*Tom hung up*

In your mind:
"Why is he with Mia?"
"I'm worried that the girls said about Tom is true"
"What if Tom likes Mia?"
"What if he cheats on me with Mia or someone else?"
You've been overthinking all the time
You had to cry again and had a stomach ache because you were afraid.

You didn't notice how quickly the time passed and Tom called you..

"Hey Tom"
"Hey y/n I can't come today because I'm too tired, so I'm staying at Mia's, ist that ok for you?"
You were shocked, firstly, he's watching a movie with you're best friend, secondly, he's staying at Mia's and who knows what can happen, thirdly, how can Mia allow something like that if she knows exactly that we're together?!

"Do what you want"
You said and hung up.

Complicated love (Tom Kaulitz x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now