Chapter One - Golden Trunks

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December 2016

Standing in the Arrivals Lounge of LAX, Alex was filled with bittersweet feelings. A couple of hours ago, he'd said goodbye to his parents. They'd made a pre-Christmas visit to him as they were going straight to Adelaide to visit his cousins. He may have been nearly thirty one, but Alex was still Penny and David's little boy, and they meant the world to him too. And if circumstances were different, he would have gone with them to Australia.

But that was out of the question. For any time now, coming through the gate would be the love of his life. Miles was coming back from seeing his mum for a couple of weeks, so him and Alex could spend Christmas in LA alone. Being without him had been agony for Alex. It was okay during the day. He showed his parents the sights of LA. They had even flown to New York for a couple of days, and he'd taken them shopping in Bloomingdales. His dad had even tried skating in Central Park. It was lovely, but at night, Alex would find himself crying. The feeling of being cast adrift without his anchor making him uneasy and unable to settle.

They had spent an idyllic few months together, since the end of the Everything You've Come to Expect tour. It hadn't been easy. Taylor had walked out because she'd realised Alex's heart was no longer with her. She'd taken Scooter, the dog, to her family in Nashville, and Alex was ashamed to admit he missed the dog more than he did his girlfriend. He also had pressure on him to come up with a new album for the Monkeys. He hadn't got very far because his brain was full of Miles. How could be concentrate on his regular life? It had forever been the thing he'd used to try and distract him from Miles. Now Miles was here with him all the time, he had become his life.

The day Miles had told him he was madly in love with him was the happiest day of Alex's life. He'd always known Miles loved him, but he would get itchy feet, or throw a strop because Alex had a girlfriend - which he knew was always partly for the good of his career. But he'd told him that he loved him regardless of what obstacles were put in front of them, and that was Alex had ever wanted to hear. Now his brain was full of Miles, and he wanted to write a whole album of songs dedicated to him. Not sad ones full of longing, like AM. But one filled with the hope and happiness he had in his heart.

As he stood waiting patiently, he noticed a few people glancing at him as they passed. He wasn't sure if they actually recognised him. He was unshaven and wearing his Ray Bans, but maybe it was just he gave off that air of trying a little too hard not to be recognised. He busied himself with looking in the Gucci bag he was carrying. He'd had a couple of hours to spare and had mooched around the airport shops. When he'd seen the Gucci watch, he just had to buy it for Miles. It was gold, with a solid gold face and diamonds where the numbers should be. It was so gawdy and almost tacky, and so Miles. It wasn't even his Christmas present – that was a vintage Gretsch Duo Jet guitar signed by George Harrison. The watch was just a little welcome home present.

"You've cut your fuckin' hair."

Alex spun round. There he was, looking like a superstar in his black, fake fur reefer jacket and gold Balenciaga sunglasses. Despite being in an arrivals hall full of holiday-makers, and the English people who had been on Miles' flight, Alex couldn't help but throw his arms around his neck.

"Welcome home," he said. "How was your flight? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just knackered," Miles said, rubbing Alex's back. "I just wanna go home and go to bed. I don't even know what day it is."

"Who cares? You're home with me, that's all that matters."

It killed Alex not to be able to hold Miles' hand as they walked through the busy airport. There were always paps hanging around, and they had to be careful not to be photographed in any sort of compromising position. The record company's publicity department had worked hard to keep his split from Taylor out the news, but it would certainly draw attention if he was spotted walking hand in hand with Miles Kane!

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