The first sight

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"I'm telling you Jin that's all they talk about, me getting married having pups,it's never ending!"
"Kook your an alpha..."
"I know but damn I'm not gonna be tied down to some omega ,I like to play the field..."
"Yer we all know what your horny ass likes,"
"Can you imagine me being tied to some whiny partner for life...."
"What you need is some quiet omega who would be grateful to have your name but let you get on with your life......"Suga joked
Jungkook sat up sharply," your right! I can do that,"
"I was joking kook!"
"Well I'm not....where would I find a docile little omega?"
His friends stared at him shaking their head in disbelief.
Just then a petite figure crashed to the ground nearby,they all turned watching as an aggressive beta hovered over the figure.
"Watch where you're going...!"
"I'm sorry sir......."
"You are so.......""
"I'm sorry sir can I help,I'm the owner ?"
"Huh...yer teach your staff to be careful,!"
"Jimin you ok?"
The small figure nodded pulling Namjoons head down to his and whispering something.
Namjoon stood up and glared at the beta.
"Is that were touching him up?"
"What if I did,stupid omega nerdy one like him should be grateful..."
Namjoons fist curled but the small male tugged at him shaking his head.
"Is something the matter here?" A strong Alpha stood there.
"Oh Jungkook, this......person was mishandling my staff."
",the beta cowered."
"Chanyeol,I've warned you about your behaviour before,now apologise."
"But it's just an omega ,"
"I am here!" A small voice said.
Jungkook turned looking down to see a petite male with messy blonde hair tucked under a beanie,frowning with a pout.
Jungkook wondered why he felt funny all of a sudden.
"Im sorry,he will apologise to you...right?" He said turning.
The beta nodded..." I'm sorry for er...touching you,"
"Ok...just keep your hands to yourself in future not everyone likes being classed as FairPlay ."
The beta reddened and walked out with his friends.
Jungkook chuckled to himself,then turned back to the small male who was staring at him.
"Im sorry er Jimin, let me make it up to you, please join me and my friends for coffee."he lay on the charm sure this little male would be overjoyed his rescuer was paying him attention.
"No thanks..oh and thanks for earlier,"
The small male walked off disappearing out back leaving Jungkook gaping.
He heard his friends chuckling and turned to walk back to them.
"Wow,well there's someone who doesn't go gaga for you...."
"He's rude!" Jungkook argued
"Why because he said no?"Suga laughed.
"Shut up...."
Jungkook sat down to finish his drink.
"Alpha thank you for standing up for Jimin.."
He looked up to see the shop owner.
"Huh he didn't seemed happy I stepped in.."
"Jimin independent "
"How about you handsome,you independent?" Jin asked.
Namjoon looked at the handsome male and gulped before rushing back behind the counter.
"Hmmm,may have to come here more," Jin smirked
The cafe doors opened and a husband and wife walked in.
"Namjoon is he here? Damn boy..."
"Er who auntie?"
"Jimin of course,he was supposed to meet the guy we picked for him but he bailed on us."
Jungkook caught a small figure creeping out bending low around the tables.As he got near their table he heard Namjoon raise his voice in panic.
"Oh er don't leave auntie have a drink!"
Jimin literally hid under their low table as the couple turned around.
"If he comes here hold him and call us you hear?"
The couple stalked out and Namjoon ran over.
"Jimin quickly,er sorry alpha..."
The small male came out giggling.
"Ha,thanks Joonie...,oh sorry if I spoilt your coffee break..."
"So your a runaway?" Jungkook asked
Jimin turned to the hot looking alpha.
"I prefer the term free minded adult,"
"Jimin you know what will happen if they catch you," Namjoon said worriedly.
"A month that's all then the bastards have no hold over me..."
He raised an arm to take off his beanie,making his top rise up showing a bruise on his side.
"Who did that?" Jungkook growled out.
Jimin frowned then looked down realising what the alpha was on about,
"Oh I fell climbing out the window," he lied.
"Oh shit!" Namjoon muttered as the cafe door slammed open.
"I knew it,you never could lie Namjoon...."
The couple walked over the man grabbing Jimins wrist tightly.
"Let me go... bastard !"
"You think you can talk to me like that,seems you need to be taught another lesson ."
"Fuck you,a month then you are out!" Jimin yelled.
"Oh really says who and you'll be married before then,"
Jimin was being dragged off but Jungkook stood up,
"Let him go..." his alpha tone was enough to stop the couple.
"A-alpha? Er I'm sorry you had to see this family dispute,the boy is an ungrateful wretch...we will take him home....."
"Jimin do you want to go with your parents?"
"They are not my parents just a couple of money grabbers who are scared their cash cow will throw them out before they can marry me of to some letch and they can carry on living in my home!"
"You ungrateful boy,we looked after you when your parents died,brought you here...."
"You got paid by the government to care for me now it's coming to an end your trying to marry of to that letch who's paid you money!"
"Stop this nonsense right now.!" The man twisted Jimins wrist painfully behind him until a low growl could be heard.
"I told you to let him go..."
Jungkook followed by his two friends stalked up to the couple who let go of Jimin quickly.
Namjoon held the small boy, who rubbed his arm where a bruise was forming.
"Jimin do you want to go home?"
"Nope not while they are there,"
"It's our home and we are your guardians..."
"Unluckily for you I've applied to revoke that and it's been accepted just waiting for the paperwork to come here..."
"Revoke,how that's rubbish!"
"Not when you two have been forging my signature on my bank account,which by the way they have put a freeze on as of," he looked at his watch," two hours ago,"
The couple looked horrified," that's a lie how can someone like you manage that?"
"Easy,receipts from the bank, your expense accounts you send in...,it's been easy to hack your computer,proofs all been sent in,I'm just waiting for the nullification to come through,sent here of course you two can't be trusted."
"But until then you're under our control," the male smirked," so come along little boy,time to go home."
Jungkook saw the small male gulp, the only time he showed fear.
"Jimin is staying with me for a while...."
The couple turned to the alpha,
"I'm sure you don't want to be troubled by him alpha let us take him home..."
"But I insist...,you wouldn't want to offend me would you?"
The couple looked angry but seemed to realise their dreams of living as they had been were diminishing by the second.
"S-sure...,Jimin don't forget to attend your sessions with Dr Hoong...." The male smirked.
They left," fuckers!" Jimin murmured.
"Jimin it's fine now they can't hurt you anymore,"
"Thanks Joonie,I still have one hurdle to get over Dr Hoong,"
Jimin looked lost for a minute then shrugged before turning to the other three.
"Sorry to spoil your day,I'll go now..."
"Wait a minute.." the alphas voice stopped Jimin in his tracks.
"Yes...oh sorry I suppose I should say thanks for helping...."
"I said you were coming with me..."
"But that was to shut them up...."
"Don't make me out to be a liar..."
"I'm not going with you! I don't even know you!"
"Jimin he's the alpha!"
"Joonie I can stay with you?"
"You want them to turn up here and ruin your friends cafe?"
Jimin twitched his nose frowning.
"Is he ok?" He asked looking at Jin and Suga
"Sure he's a little marshmallow"Suga said.
"Ok I suppose I could hide away at your place..."
"Jimin don't forget you really do have to attend Dr Hoong..."
"I'm sure he's working with them Joonie but ok."
"Suga Jin go back to the office I'll take Jimin home"
They nodded and left.
"Come on then.."
"Oh my bag..." Jimin rushed off coming back with a rucksack," my clothes," he murmured.
Jungkook led the way outside to a large black car.
"Jimin call me ok?" Namjoon said before Jungkook swiftly drove off.
Jimin sat in the car playing with his fingers the stress of trying to appear brave hitting him.
"Who's Dr Hoong?"
"A court appointed psychiatrist who has treated me since my parents died,he is........well I think he's up to no good but I can't prove it,I don't always remember our session .....I'm sure they and he have something going on..."
"Maybe they will leave now they know you have  contacted the government on their guardianship..."
"Maybe they will convince Dr Hoong to say I'm not in my right mind for that....."Jimin muttered quietly,the past few months had been harder than ever,sneaking around getting evidence,regular beatings and lecherous old men coming for meals and getting too close to him for his liking.
He closed his eyes the movement of the car lulling him into a much needed sleep.
Jungkook glanced towards the sleeping male again feeling funny in his chest .
Eventually  they drove onto his grounds towards a large house.
Jimin didn't stir so the alpha bent to lift him from the car," Jesus doesn't he eat, he's as light as a feather!"
He carried him upstairs putting him in a bedroom opposite his,he went down and brought the bag up,it didn't seem to have much in just a handful of clothes and a photograph of a couple holding a baby Jimin.
Staring at the boy curled on the bed he put a blanket over him.
He walked out, why did he feel protective of him?
His phone rang and a female voice spoke,
"Jungkook,why don't you come over for supper tonight,I've invited Mr Kim hung over and his daughter,you remember her right,so pretty..."
"Mum please,stop trying to set me up !"
"But Jungkook when will you do the right thing?"
"Mum you can't pick someone for me!"
"Well someone has to,you need to be responsible as an alpha!"
Jungkook had heard enough of this theme, about to shut his mother down  he suddenly remembered his visitor.
"Actually I have an omega I'm interested in..."
"What! Where is she?"
"He mum,he...and he's quite shy,so you'll have to wait to see him."
"Oh gosh really this is good news! Bye dear I need to tell your father..."
As his mother rang off Jungkook slumped back on the sofa.His wolf felt ansty for some reason,maybe he needed sex? For some reason his mind went to that small male who had a curvy booty for all his slim figure and he smelt really nice too.
He felt himself harden ,damn,picking up the phone he called a number," hey babe,you wanna come right now I'm needy...sure see you in ten."
He smirked palming himself in under ten minutes a car stopped he answered the door dragging the female inside and soon loud moans and grunts could be heard.
Jimin having woken up was quietly making his way downstairs when he heard the noise, glancing to a room to his left where the door was open he saw the alpha bending a moaning female over the desk pounding into her, he felt himself go red but couldn't stop watching as the alphas powerful thighs fucked the other fast. He heard the groan and saw the alphas satisfied face as he released but didn't know why a pain felt like it was twisting his insides,he ran back up the stairs cursing as the door slammed.
Jungkook cleaned himself up, he dressed again quickly the woman tried to tempt him more but the banging of a door upstairs suddenly made him hurry her out.
"Sorry babe maybe later hmm?"
The woman pouted but got in her car driving off as Jungkook turned to see Jimin coming downstairs.
"Sorry I banged the door it slipped from my hands has someone arrived?"
"Er no just left, a friend dropping some paperwork off."
"Liar," Jimin thought
"So you hungry? I'll make some food,"
"It's ok you don't have to entertain me....."
"It's fine I'm gonna eat too so....."
Jimin shrugged then followed the other.
"Don't you have to get on with that paperwork?"
"Oh I've already done what was needed.." Jungkook said turning to the fridge.
"Yer I could see," Jimin mumbled to himself.
"Er..I said can I make a coffee?" Jimin lied
"Oh sure,over there..."
Jimin went to the counter hands clenched, he felt odd and annoyed,why he didn't know. Sighing he got on with the job at hand but couldn't help the images that flashed in his head,the alpha was hot, but a total manwhore he thought, glad that he didn't have to be here long .

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