New friend

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"Jungkook where are...oh your here," a voice said making Jimin and Jungkook look up.
"Tae I thought you were flying in tomorrow?"
"Nah....oh and who is this cutie?"
"Hi I'm Jimin," Jimin smiled at the handsome stranger.
"Nice to meet you are you"
"Ew no, he's just letting me stay here..."
Jungkook felt affronted.
Tae burst out laughing," seems someone's immune to you...."
Jungkook frowned at his brother and Jimin.
Jimins phone rang and he answered.
"Dr Hoong?yes it's next week...what?No I'm not disagreeing I wondered why that's all,no I'm not being belligerent ...fine two o'clock tomorrow....."
He hung up suddenly looking depressed.
"Hey cutie why so down?"
"Hmmm er nothing..."
Jungkook stared at him, he'd heard the conversation and wondered what was up so being an alpha he asked.
"That was the doctor you see? What's happened?"
"He's changed my appointment from next week to tomorrow .....,it just seems odd that I've moved here and suddenly he calls...,I don't like seeing him I don't feel right after..."
"Are you sick Jimin?"Tae questioned
"No I...., after my parents died,I broke down,the courts put me under a supervision order where I had to see this doctor regularly and have guardians look after me,my parents made a fortune in computers and IT. This is supposed to be so I don't squander my fortune away in my youth, but unluckily for them I have a talent for computers too and I've managed to hack my 'guardians' one and found secret accounts amongst other things....Dr Hoong has also kept in touch with them but their messages seem coded."
"But what can he do?" Jungkook asked Jimin.
"There is a clause that says if I have any breakdown that impairs my judgement then I cannot claim my inheritance without his personal say so and signature,that I can't overturn until it ends in two months."
"Jimin,don't you think you're worrying too much?" Tae asked.
Jimin looked at the handsome male and shrugged ,
"I guess so....i think I have trust issues...."
Jungkook could see Jimin was trying to convince himself.
He picked his phone up calling someone," Hobi can you run a check on a Dr Hoong,by the morning if possible...thanks."
Jimin thanked him ," I'll go to my room for a bit so you two can talk...."
He disappeared up the stairs the other two watching him.
"So you gonna tell me what this is all about?" Tae asked.
Jungkook filled him in.
"So you only met him today and he's already staying here got the hots for him?"
" does he look my type...he's nerdy looking messy hair and dresses like a kid...."
"Aw I thought he was a cutie,I mean that ass and those pouty lips,I like him."
Jungkook felt a strange anger inside as his brother ,spoke about the other.
"Don't get too close he will be gone soon enough..."
Tae looked at his brother who sounded agitated.
"So....mum still on your case about getting hitched,?"
"Yer...,I er actually pretended that Jimin is my shy boyfriend just to shut her up..."
"You do know she will come over to see him?"
"Nah of course she won't ..."
"Well we will see...anyway can I stay here tonight,my place is being cleaned."
"Of course you can, you can tell me about your travels....."
"Yer it was fun but I missed everyone,how's Suga and Jin?"
"Fine..Suga is...well Suga and Jin still flirts with everyone....."
"Says you who can't keep his dick in his pants, at least I hope you behave yourself with a guest here..."
Jungkook reddened slightly rubbing his neck guiltily...
"Please tell me you didn't have sex here today with that little moochi around!!!"
"He was asleep....I was in need...she was only here a short time...."
"God Jungkook I sometimes don't blame mum and dad for trying to fix you up, you're like a randy teenager if you can't last one afternoon with a guest in the house!"
"What's the fuss about we are wolves we fuck, he must do too in his heat so he's not an innocent!"
"Yer,yer...although he seems to have an innocent look about him....."
Jungkook frowned,Tae was right he did look...untouched but he knew he couldn't be , a wolf in their heat or rut would be hurting a lot if they didn't find a playmate at that time.
Shaking his head he walked to the sitting room and turned the tv on.
"Aren't you gonna invite him to sit with us?"
"Huh? Why...?"
Shaking his head Tae went up the stairs knocking lightly on a closed door.
"Jimin are you here?"
"Come in...."
Tae opened the door to see a small figure staring into the wardrobe. He walked over staring in too seeing nothing much but a few well worn casual clothes.
"What we looking at?"
Jimin turned smiling he liked this new person.
"I was just thinking when I'm done with all their bullshit, I'm gonna finally dress and look like I want."
"Why don't you do that now?"
"Cos they kept trying to marry me off making deals with rich guys to ensure their cozy future,so I deliberately made myself look grungy,this...." He said pointing at himself," isn't me.. the heavy glasses ,trashy blonde hair and baggy clothes ,"
"Well I can see your point of view but sorry cutie, you could dress in a paper bag and still look good@
"Hmmm....maybe I should just be me then? Definitely getting fed up with looking like a student....Im twenty three!"
Tae looked shocked," really? Same age as Jungkook!"
"He's a typical alpha isn't he...your brother..., but he did help me today so that's good and if he does find out anything about Dr Hoong then I hope I can be released from all this madness."
"What are you going to do then?"
"I'm going to set up an IT company that does security checks on firms computers you know like protect them from malware things like that."
"Yer,definitely need to get a new look if I want to be taken seriously.." Jimin giggled the sound light and contagious making Tae laugh too.
"What's so funny?"
A voice at the door said and they turned to see Jungkook staring at them.
"I was just arranging with Jimin to come on a shopping trip with me for updating his wardrobe, what about next Monday Jimin?"
"He's a kid Tae they like gru...student style not yours.."
Jimin and Tae snorted.
"Jungkook hes the same age as you!"
Jungkook was surprised the small male looked like a grungy student.
"Yer er well maybe he's happy as he is.."
"Thanks Tae,Monday will be great....if Dr doom hasn't locked me up by then," he muttered.
Jungkook could feel anxiety oozing from the other as it made his scent turn pretty sour.
"I'll take you tomorrow ," he decided
"No it's bad enough I've caused you this inconvenience , I'll be fine..."
"I insist..." Jungkooks alpha tone made arguing pointless.
"Huh,ok but he won't let you sit in..."
"We will see..."
Jimin shrugged , he always felt a bit weird after his appointments, like he couldn't connect with anyone as if he was in a daze.
Jungkook turned away going down to his study and shutting the door.
He picked his phone up,
"Hobi...yes I know you haven't had much time but I need a little of your speciality done, before the morning ok....."
He proceeded to tell him what he needed hanging up satisfied.
Meanwhile the other two had come downstairs and were cuddled together on the large sofa watching a comedy. Jimins giggle unwittingly making him smile .
"Hey Kook, come watch this it's so funny.." Tae said.
Jungkook sat down but found himself watching Jimin more than the tv, what was it about this male?
His trousers twitched, damn not again.
"Er I'm going out Tae see you tomorrow ..."
He left quickly with Tae sighing.
"Damn Jungkook keep it in your pants!" He said to himself or so he thought.
"He's a bit of a fuckboy your brother isn't he?"
Tae spluttered," w-what?"
"Well he had someone here earlier doing it in the study, I mean I'm not a prude but really?"
Tae snorted with laughter,
"And he thought you didn't know..."
"I'm not blind or deaf..."
"Ah Jiminee, I like you..."
"I like you too Tae, why does he act like that?"
"Well sex is natural Jimin we all need someone at times, I mean heats, ruts..."
"Well I've never..." Jimin blurted then frowned.
"What not in your heat? But that must be painful?"
"I...I can't say I notice, I mean I feel it start and then it's like a couple of days pass and I can't remember what's happened or what I've done, but Dr Hoong said it's just trauma?"
Tae frowned the more he heard about Dr Hoong the less he liked him.
He patted his new friends back and distracted him by asking what fashion he was thinking off and hairstyle.
Before long both were yawning through tiredness and made their way upstairs to their rooms , falling asleep quickly neither hearing the alpha return looking slightly dishevelled and weirdly not satisfied like he usually was.
He showered and got into bed so tired he missed his inner wolf whispering,'mine'

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