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"Hey Joonie,"
"You worried us all, I'm so glad you're back!"
"Yer,I'm sorry I went like that,it was silly but I did get some work done..."
"Next time talk it out with your mate,he was frantic,"
"Look I know he's sort of marked me,but we are still working this he's not really my mate you know?"
"Ah Jimin my little innocent, there is no ifs or buts, he is or isn't your mate...,that's how it works..."
"But I haven't dated him...."
"You had sex yes?"
"Well yer but it was my heat it was all new to me he was there and well it happened!"
"Let me put it this way...can you imagine having sex with someone else now?"
"Ew no!but that could be because I've never done it with anyone else..."
"Jesus Jimin...ok,so if that bitch came here and said she was taking Jungkook what would you do now?"
"I'd scratch her fucking eyes out devious bitch not let her get to me again he's mine not hers!!!!oh shit...he really is my mate isn't he...."
"Ta da...and there we have didn't think so before? Really ? didn't his scent get to you?"
"I thought it was annoying me...that he was always there,all alpha big man in my face trying to tell me what to do...."
"He is a bit dominant..I'll give you that."
"Well only when he thinks it's for the best...."
"Look at you defending him!"
Jimin blushed.
"You know I had it all planned, get my life back run my own business do what I want......"
"You can still have that Jimin..."
"But can I or will I feel taken over by someone else?"
"Only you can answer what's this I hear about a Porsche ?"
"I got it on a liked them,"
"I don't want to nag but Jimin you've not had enough driving experience to drive one.."
"That's what Jungkook said,"
"Well I agree with him,"
"Which is why I'm letting him drive it in exchange for a smaller car of his...."
"Great,but tell me does it drive well?"
"Joonie I nearly peed my pants,three hours driving gripping the wheel thinking I was gonna crash!"
Namjoon chuckled but patted his friend on the back and in between customers they sat and chatted and drank coffee before Jimin got a taxi back to find a black and yellow mini convertible parked outside his house.
He squealed in delight this was perfect
He went indoors and spent a few hours working before setting a work plan in a file for the client he was meeting and then taking a nap, he hugged the pillow Jungkook had lain on still smelling his scent making him drift of easily .
"It's seven o'clock Jungkook the tables actually booked in Jimins name,"
"Thanks Hobi...I don't know why I feel so uneasy,"
"Maybe it's just a mate thing,you know him being with someone else..?"
"Maybe,but somethings off and I can't go there he'll think I don't trust him,fuck!!"
"I can put a few men in, I know the owner..."
"Can you? Ok ..just you know keep him safe..."
"We will,I better get moving I'll take two men with me,"
"Don't let him see you or I'm fucked"
"Have I ever let you down?"
"No,thanks Hobi..."
Jimin smiled as he parked the car, this was so much nicer to drive.
He walked into reception  about to go to the desk he was stopped by a male in a flashy suit.
"Hello there,Mr Park?"
"Er yes,Mr WooBin, how did you know it was me?"
"Er well I'll let you into a little secret,I've asked two others before you!! Hahaha.."
Jimin smiled," well I'm here now,"
"Yes,let's go..."
He walked towards the restaurant as the waiter came up Mr WooBin turned to him speaking quietly.
"Yes sir the table is this way...."
Hobi sitting in reception saw the pair walk into the restaurant.
"Eyes on Jimin"
"Yes sir "two voices echoed in his earphones.
"Let's have some wine shall we?"
"Er I'm driving..."
"Surely half a glass to toast our new venture?"
"A bottle of wine and a glass of non alcoholic red wine for my friend here."
Their drinks came and they ordered food.
"Oh look at the pretty fountains outside..."
Jimin turned away to see dancing fountains lit up ,
He turned back," so pretty,"
Clinking their glasses they drank.
"Sir I can't be certain as someone got in the way but the male was leaning towards Jimins glass?"
"Chanyeol ask if they need replacements accidentally knock Jimins over,"
"Excuse me sirs everything ok here more drinks?"
"We are fine, oh Jimin your drinks gone do you want more?"
"Er no sparkling water please,"
The waiter nodded walking away.
"Jimins glass was empty sir and their doesn't seem anything untoward happening."
"Ok well eyes open boys, the alphas uneasiness is rubbing off on me."
Jimin felt a little hot.
"You ok Jimin?Have some water it is a bit warm in here."
Jimin smiled and then carried on talking about business,as they ate
Hobi's two men reporting back to him that all they could hear was all to do with computers and IT.
"So you think you can work something out? Damn it I should have brought my iPad down it has a list of problems that I think need sorting, would you care to come to my suite if it's not too late?"
"Of course..."
They got up chatting and walking to the elevator. Hobi was at the desk and pointing at the two men getting in the lift.
"Can you tell me what room that man's in?"
"Mr Park Jimin.He checked in earlier er 1013"
Hobi frowned why had Jimin booked a room.
"Did Mr Park book it by phone?"
"No he came in two hours ago with a woman ."
Hobi frowned,he'd seen Jimin drive up there was certainly no woman with him.
"We are talking about the same Park Jimin small  black hair?"
"No your describing the other man with him?"
"Don't suppose you heard the women's name at all,"
"Well actually yes,as he booked in the women seemed fidgety he said Lisa calm down it will be fine..."
Hobi turned quickly calling Jungkook,
"It's Lisa and some man!"
"I'm on my way get to Jimin,"
Jimin felt woozy and slumped against the client in the lift.
"Don't worry Jimin I'll make you feel better,"
The man held him up dragging him along going to a room he knocked twice.
The door opened and Jimin's fuzzy gaze met one filled with hatred.
"Put him on the bed,"
"Do what you need to I'm in a hurry to play .."
"This slut will never have Jungkook..."
Jimin tried hard to open his eyes squinting at the girl,
"Aren't you that bitch secretary...?"
He was slapped hard across the face.
"Shut your fucking mouth,you rip his shirt open and let's get these photos done see how much his alpha will want him then."
The man took his jacket and shirt of then took Jimins jacket off and ripped his shirt open.
"Get off me..."
The male straddled Jimin then holding his hands down as if they were lovers kissed his neck.
Lisa the secretary clicked away.
"Get off !"
Jimin felt like he couldn't move,the feel of the other male turned his stomach.
"Kookie will kill you..."
"Kookie? He's mine and when he's seen these posted on the internet by you he'll never touch you again."
"You bitch you fucking bitch,he won't believe it he trusts me he will listen too me...."
"Not when he's finished with you he likes to play with his partners,who knew you were in to kinky sex..."
The man pulled out a cloth roll,when he opened it there were whips,sharp knives clamps for various parts of the body.
Knock knock," room service"
"Quiet!" Lisa hissed
"Help!" Jimins scream was muffled by the gag and ball shoved in his mouth.
"Room service!"
"Damn they are not leaving, go answer I'll make sure he doesn't move," Lisa picked up the knife nicking Jimins neck," any noise from you it goes in", she hissed in his ear.
The man grabbed his shirt and walked to the door,
"Coming sorry I think you have the wrong..."
The door was kicked in. Hobi and A furious Jungkook and the two men rushed in.
"Where is he you fucker!"
Jungkook punched the man to the ground pushing past to see Jimin gagged with a knife held to his throat,Lisa his old secretary holding it.
" see he's just a slut I told. You,he booked a room to have sex in..."
"Get away from him you bitch , your sick !"
"'s him...I-I saw them followed them up here..."
"Oh yer ? Not what reception say what were you going to fake dirty photos and bribe him?"
Lisa glanced at her phone on the end of the bed the action making Jungkook pick it up. He held the screen to her face to unlock it and saw the pictures she had taken.
"Your gonna be locked up for a long time bitch and your friend get away from him!!"
His full alpha voice made her jerk back cutting Jimins neck,she dropped the knife.
"No,no ! Your mine not his u deserve you not him.....!"
"Get them out off here!"
Hobi's two men handcuffed the pair and led them out as Jungkook rushed over carefully removing the gag and lapping the cut with his tongue.
"Kookie I didn't ...I thought he was a client...I feel weird why can't I move properly?"
"It's ok baby I know you didn't do anything wrong..they drugged you...let's get a doctor to check you over ."
The alphas doctor came to the hotel.
"It will get out of your  system in a couple of hours if you drink water and flushes it out,you may feel queasy and have a headache later."
Jimin already felt queasy ",I think the feelings coming back to my limbs ,"
"Yes,that's a good sign,call me again if anything else occurs..."
The doctor left and Jungkook told Hobi to get the car ready.
"I'll take you home baby..."
"Your home?"
"Do you want that?"
Hobi handed over a t shirt he'd procured from somewhere before going to the car.
Jungkook took off the ripped shirt and slipped on the T shirt and Jimins jacket.
He easily picked up Jimin in his arms and strode from the room.
"Er alpha ,I'm the manager,Hobi's friend you may prefer to use this service elevator so your friend isn't seen,Hobi has parked close by."
Jungkook nodded and they all got in arriving at the side of the hotel
"Kook, I'll drive I'm sure Jimin will want to be with you, my friend will keep the Porsche locked up."
"Good thinking Hobi,....come on baby we are going home ,"
Jimin sat on his lap the whole journey,arriving at Jungkooks huge house Hobi rushed ahead opening doors .
"I'll leave you two to it...."
"Thanks Hobi..for everything,"
"I'm sorry Jimin I didn't get what was going on sooner...they booked everything in your name but forgot receptionists have good memories for faces ..."
"It's ok Hobi, I didn't realise anything was wrong until I got out the lift...."
Hobi nodded and left,jungkook passed Jimin some water to drink then hurriedly picked the small male up when his face turned a greeny colour.
He held Jimin as he wretched over the toilet again and again.
"Eugh! I don't think there's anything left in me..."
"Ok let's get a spare toothbrush..."
Jimin cleaned his teeth leaning weakly on the sink unit.
"Kookie I want to get clean wash his filthy hands off me."
"I'll run a bath you can't stand in a shower,"
The bath was run and Jungkook undressed his mate.
"I hate feeling this weak,you won't leave will you Kookie?"
"Hang on sit on the edge"
Jimin did so and Jungkook quickly shucked his clothes off then lifted Jimin up and lowered them both into the water Jimin's back to his front.
He carefully washed Jimin down then when he realised Jimin was nearly dozing off he stood up and stepped out.
Ten minutes later they both lay together in Jungkooks large bed.
"Don't leave me Kookie...." A mumbled voice said.
"Never baby....never"

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