𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 4

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"Don't scream.This does not have to hurt if you don't fight it," I whispered into her ear; hoping to avoid an annoying meal. I compelled her to stay quiet and I seeped my teeth into her, feeling rather ravenous from the day I had. When I was done , I compelled her to forget and did a healing spell to heal her wound , avoiding the risk of her dying with some vampire blood in her system within the next 12 hours. "Go on now."

I decided to take a walk around town, in the quiet darkness;and that's when I felt her again...Nevarah. She was sitting on a park bench, looking peaceful in the darkness with a book and some headphones.
Goodness sake , could this girl be anymore reckless. I probably could have gone my way and ignored her presence but I knew just how unsafe it was for her to out late right now, I mean I was literally feeding off a mortal like herself a few moments ago but there was something else keeping me here , yet I couldn't explain what it was. I can not believe I am doing this.

"I'm guessing this is yet another place where the 'unpopular' kids hangout," I said as I caught up to her. She looked up at me , quite started by my sudden appearance.
"Goodness, you frightened me. And no, I just happen to find myself here some nights if I can't sleep."
"Well will the lady offer me the curtesy of letting me be seated beside her this evening?"
" Yes the ' lady' does not mind at all. I could use some company," she laughed off . I remained seated beside her as she closed her book and we sat there in the dark .
"So what are you doing out here all alone, at night. Isn't there like a town curfew?"
"Well I could I ask you the same thing. What
is Mr.New Guy doing all alone in a foreign town ,in the dark?" she insinuated right back at me.
"Touché , should have seen that one coming. But really why are you here all alone, where's your little friend?"
"Nezi is at home. I couldn't sleep, had a weird dream and so I decided to take a walk and one thing led to another , so here I am.
What about you , you feeling down too?"
I stared at her for a moment before I could muster up the words.
" What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" she asked as she wiped her cheeks.
"No, there's nothing on your face, it is just odd for someone to ask me about how I'm feeling - I don't think I've ever genuinely been asked the question. It's usually to manipulate some decisions I made." Something about her made me feel free and comfortable to share my personal feelings.
"Well you need to find better friends, and hey, you may just have one more in this town ; if you're interested, of course." She ranted off, I could sense some nervousness in her voice. "Well, one more friend couldn't hurt."
"Well then, I Nevarah solemnly swear to be Malachi's new good friend from this day forth"
"And I, Malachi, vow to return a good friendship towards Nevarah."

We sat in the dark for a few moments, comforted by each other's presence and she leaned on my shoulder. I looked down at her to witness a beautiful site of her drifting off to sleep...Goodness how could anyone look so enchanting and angelic. I gazed at the site before me in awe when the word snow began to spiral in a continuous loop and I couldn't get it to stop. Her book suddenly fell and with it a bookmark with her address. She looked so peaceful when she slept so I couldn't wake her up ,however I couldn't leave her here so instead I decided to take her home.
I picked her up , trying to be gentler and more careful than usual. She shifted in my arms and snuggled up against my chest- the very scenery of it made me feel at serene and another feeling I couldn't quite put my finger on... What if it is her. No it could not possibly be , no one has ever heard of such a thing.

I jumped through the open window and placed her gently on her bed. As I stepped away slowly, she held on to my hand and started moving around restlessly...She's having a nightmare.
"Hey there little Chionáti, I'm here."
She began to calm down and as I gently squeezed her hand , a sudden trance took over me and I saw snow falling and drops of what seemed to be flood tainting the snow and the words over-lapped "Snow turns into wine and death laments" .
Some of the words were new as if pieces of a puzzle were being joined together. And suddenly a shadow appeared and it grew bigger and bigger as the snow turned from white to red. Before I could see anymore, footsteps outside her room , bought me out of my vision. And as the door opened up , I swiftly exited out the window and hid in the tree.

A woman who resembled Nevarah walked in and checked on her. She looked quite surprised by something and I couldn't figure out what. As she was about to step out ,she suddenly turned back as if she sensed something was wrong.
She looked around the room and got closer to the window with ever step she took. As she was about to reach it, a cellphone rang from her pocket and she stepped out the room, closing the door behind her.

I went back in and sat down , closely scrutinising my chionáti. What is it about you that has me so enchanted by you. I shifted a loc from her face and placed it in her bonnet that I had placed over her hair. After a few moments, I left and returned back home, ο κόσμος όλων.

I could not seem to get her out of my head. When I gazed at her sleeping the words kept coming back like a loop in my head. "Unforseen...love...snow...world...snow...turns...into...wine..." with a new part added on ," and death laments."
"Sweetie, are you back already?" asked mom, as I heard her coming towards my room in the West Wing. "Yes mitéra."
She walked in looking as graced and poised as always in her royal attire,probably had a meeting before this.
"So how was your first day?"
"It went well. Mitéra I have a question, what do you know about dream sharing?"
"Well just as much as you I can imagine It's a rare ability that only soulmates with an undeniabley strong connection can do, its so rare that even your father and I can't do it .Why do you ask sweetie?Did something happen?"
I wasn't to sure if I should share my thoughts but I did want to inquire about something.

"Has it ever occurred that a mortal is connected to our kind?"

"Not that I know of.Maybe try asking your father or your uncle, they know of our history better than anyone."
She gave me a hug as she got up to leave, "Are you sure everything is okay?"
"Of course mom."
"Okay ,be ready for dinner at the full moon.Your cousins are coming over."
I nodded, "Your Majesty."
Great ,the day couldn't get any better could it.

I left my room and headed for the Royal Athenaeum in the castle , one of the biggest and ancient libraries in our realm, hoping to find out about the mysterious bond I seemed to have with Nevarah, such a beautiful name...Snap out of it,goodness what was becoming of me.
"Your Higness," bowed the Head of the Athenaeum, Mr. Hayes. "I think we're beyond such formalities, don't you think Mr.Hayes?"
"Well, I think we both know there's nothing that'll ever get me to stop calling you 'Your Highness' , don't we , Your Highness?"
"I think I finally get it, even though I've insisted for so many years that you use my name. Well I won't be bother , just going to search for some books for school assignments."
"My,my,our very own Prince Malachi doing his own work, what ever will become of us?"
"Haha,you know for such an old man you really are a pain in the arse?"
"Wouldn't dream of being anything else,Your Higness."
"Of course not," I replied as I disappeared into the 'Mirror of Athena'.

Athena was the Greek goddess of battle strategy, and wisdom ; hence the name 'Mirror of Athena' as a representative of her ever-ending wisdom. The Mirror of Athena was one of the magical tools in our realm, where most were found in the Enchanted Forest of Farolicià which was made of the most beautiful gardens one would ever lay their eyes upon. The mirror was like no other as inside lay the spirit of a wise woman whom had been trapped inside by the ancient goddess.

The mirror is used as an assistant to find information in the Athenaeum , managing all and keeping secrets that needed to be kept from public ears , secrets that could threaten our realm and the peace we upheld with Embermore; the only one it fully revealed information to was the King, the status I will be in a few years, yet another thing I've been dreading.

"Well,well if it isn't Prince Nicholai,missed me?"
"Hello Priscilla. And I happen to go by Malachi now, Nicholai no longer exists."
"Well then,this should be fun, Prince Malachi."

𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎWhere stories live. Discover now