Chapter 5

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Y/N woke up and she saw the 9 girls still clinging on to her Sleeping peacefully

Y/N tried to get off bed slowly But She ended up waking the members up

Sana:Baby come back~

Y/N:But I need to go to school remember?

Momo:Oh right

The members get up from the bed and change into their school uniforms

Y/N changed into her school uniform and went to the kitchen Where Jihyo is now cooking their breakfast

Jihyo:Hey baby girl~

Y/N:Good morning

Jihyo:Breakfast is ready I just need to cook for Lunch later

Y/N:Dont we have a cafeteria in our school?

Jihyo:Yea But Their food tastes Horrible that's why most students Went out to eat and come back before the bell rings

Y/N:Oh ok...

Jihyo:Come on go to the dining table and eat with the rest of the Girls ok?


Jihyo:Yes what~?


Jihyo:Good girl~

Y/N went to the dining table and sit down with the rest of the girls

Momo:Jihyo cooking is always gonna be delicious 😋

Nayeon:Better than Jokbal?

Momo:Both are my favourites

Jeongyeon:Choose one Momo

Momo:I can't 😫

Nayeon:Fine we'll not push you that far

Momo:Thank you.

Y/N continues to eat

Jeongyeon:Are you full Baby girl~?

Y/N: Yea...

Y/N and the girls are now sitting in a bus

Momo:Why are buses always so crowded!?

Jihyo:Shhh Momo

Momo:Ok all of you stop shushing me before all of you meet Jesus

Mina:Ok we'll stop

Momo:Thank you.

Sana:Y/N-chan~ Can me and Mina Sit on your lap Since its crowded~?


Before Y/N could answer Sana and Mina already sat on your lap

Y/N: 😑

Sana and Mina cling on to me

Once the bus stop at the school gate
Y/N and the girls get off the bus and walk inside the school

Student:Wow those 9 girls are with Y/N herself

Y/N:I need to go now girls

Momo:Okay baby girl~

Y/N secretly kisses them on the cheek and went to her classroom

The girls Blush

Y/N went inside the classroom and sat down with Lianne

Lianne:Bro all the students talk about is you and the girls!?

Y/N:Shut up Lianne 😑

Lianne:They were Going on about how you guys Dating is it true?

Y/N:Yes lianne Basically-

Lianne:Like yandere right?

Y/N:How did you know?

Lianne:Well let's just say I eavesdrop on their plan in the cafeteria...


Lianne:They planned on kidnapping you since they Joined the school you idiot

Y/N:Oh dear Lord...

To be continued.

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