Chapter 12

469 12 6

Y/N and Lianne meets up with Alice who was ready to beat the heck out of us


Y/N:I don't think so.

Lianne:Just like we said earlier Were gonna beat the heck out of you.

Alice:good luck 🙄

Y/N puts her fighting stand.

Y/N:I've always waited for this moment.

Y/N, Lianne and Alice fight while someone was watching them...

Sana:Ohhh~ I hope my baby will win ☺

Y/N kicks Alice off the ground as Lianne punches Alice

Two hours later

Y/N,Lianne and Alice were covered in bruises but Alice was severely injured

Lianne:This is why you don't mess with the black belt in Karate

Y/N:Wait what I thought u were a red belt?

Lianne:I have secrets too yk? ☺

Y/ not gonna mess with you

Alice:Your gonna pay for this!? 😡 And I will tell Your mother that you hitted me hard

Y/N:Bitch I only got one punch on you while Lianne has too many I couldn't count

Alice:But they will believe me over you. 😈

Sana:I don't think so~

Y/N, Lianne and Alice were shocked by Sana sudden appearance

Sana:My "friend" Mina secretly had a recording of everything you said to Y/N in the classroom earlier and Mina sent it to Jihyo which Jihyo sent To Y/N mom

Alice:So what I'll tell them that it's fake. 😈

Sana smirks

Sana:Well we know for a fact that your Mom and Y/N mom believes us More than you because we are a two goody two shoes and we will never do such a thing so that means.. They think it's real. 😏

Alice:No... It can't be happening!!

Sana:It is and Your mom just texted Jihyo saying you'll be grounded for an entire Month 😏.

Alice was terrified

Sana:You better go away~ or we'll make YOUR life miserable.

Alice Ran away

Y/N:Thanks you didn't have to do all that ☺

Sana:Anything for our baby~

Sana kisses Y/N


Y/N:Sorry Lianne...

Lianne:I'll just go Bye Y/N! 👋


Lianne walks away leaving Sana and Y/N

Sana:I heard Jihyo is gonna be paying for the food in a Korean restaurant Should we go there?

Y/N:Ofc Im hungry after the fight After you ☺

Sana holds Y/N hands as the two make their way to the restaurant

To be continued.

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