Part 1 How it all start

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Wither's POV

I was walking down the hallway when I saw Herobrine and Pigman standing there until they're both looking at me.

I wave before I walk pass them "Wait, Wither!" Pigman said I stop walking and turn to him.

"Yes?" I ask as I felt annoyed at him I walk towards him as Herobrine is with him.

"I need to ask you something." Pigman said.

I rolled my eyes before asking "What is it?"

"Do you like Skelly?" Pigman ask making my eyes widened I never been ask about this.

'I do like him or love him but, I don't wanna tell you or you'll tell everyone else.' I thought before I said anything.

"No." I said before walking away without saying a word.

"I think he's lying." Pigman said looking dead at me without knowing.

"Why do you think he's lying?" Herobrine ask looking at him.

"Well think about it Skelly has been blushing when Wither looks at him and further more Wither has been talking about him." Pigman said explaining to Herorbine.

Herobrine nodded knowing I'm lying about this but, I don't wanna tell anyone that... I love Skelly.

I was walking for a bit until I was Skelly sleeping on the couch I stop walking and turn to him seeing him sleeping is making him very cute. 

With a smile on my face I walk up to Skelly and carefully pick him up in a bridal-style I smile down at him more as I carried to his bedroom. 

Once, I'm outside his bedroom I open his door and walk in before closing the door behind me before walking towards the bed. 

I gently place Skelly on his bed before gently pulling away I stare down at him I smile more I walk towards the other side of the bed. 

I lay down on the bed next to him before turning my body towards him I gently wrap my arms around his body bringing him close to my body. 

I felt Skelly snuggling his face against my chase as he felt my touch "Mmm~" Skeleton mumbled feeling the warmth of my body. 

I gently rub his back while holding him tightly "It's okay I'm here." I said using my soft voice while using my hacks to bring the blankets to us and gently place it on us. 

"I don't know if you can hear me but, I like you I really do I hope you can understand that." I said in a whisper. 

"Mmhmm~" Skeleton mumbled as he's enjoying my touch I smile at him "Mmm~" Skeleton mumbled again before burying his face into my chest falling asleep. 

"Awww." I said with a soft look as Skelly have fallen asleep while I'm still holding him 'Maybe tonight I'll stay here.' I thought. 

I bring him more closer to my body while holding him close I close my eyes falling asleep next to him. 

Skeleton's POV

I know Wither is right there to be honest I have a crush on him but, I never got to tell him since everyone is on me about it. 

I don't wanna tell anyone or they're gonna tell Wither about my crush on him when I felt his strong arms around me I felt safe and warm. 

I slept peacefully with him I never slept this good in a while hearing his heartbeat and his warm touch of his body. 

I buried my face against his chest feeling the warmth against it as we both slept peacefully together with myself in Wither's arms. 


This is the start of my newest story of Wither X Skeleton called 'Wither X Skelly - Our Strong Love this is a story base off of the channel named PurpleDye Monster School. 

Part 1 is kinda short but, the next one will be longer hopefully anyway hope you enjoy this story and wait to see what happens next. 

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