🕷️ || Enemies.. or not? [ SPIDERVERSE AU ]

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requested by ; VannaIsSoNotASimp
"Ah fuck."
Was the only thing that came out of Isamu's mouth as he rushes through the crowd of people panicking in the hallway. Through the windows, he could see a sea demon(that's what he calls it), Enzukai. Once makes it to the bathroom, he gets out of his work attire and hurriedly wears his suit.

Ya- I mean, Rōnin is in the middle of fighting the said monster, Attempting to web them down but to no avail. Rōnin is suddenly thrown across onto the building, landing against the glass windows of an office building. He grunts in pain, clutching onto his chest as tries to get off. Not until Mizugumo comes into the scene and webs him to the glassed wall.

"Mizugumo, I swear to god." Rōnin spits out with a frown that wasn't visible to the public. Mizugumo only rolls his eyes while his feet was sticking onto the building, crouching at the side of Rōnin's head.

He must've admit, Mizugumo was quite the annoying little trickster. With his flirty attitude and half stupidity and half intelligence, sometimes he just wants to flick the idiot's head off to knock some sense into him. But something about him just sparked his personality, but Rōnin really can't find the words for it.

He continues to watch Mizugumo and his antics, swinging around and distracting the beast from the people below. "Just a bit more-" Mumbles the man, luring Enzukai to the more distant land from the city and webbing them down. It was a matter of time for the people to get out of the area as soon as possible.

He soon comes back to Rōnin, who is still stuck to the windows due to the silky webs by Mizugumo. "Listen here Mizu. Just unhand me and let's get this over with," Rōnin is first to break the unbearable silence between the two spidermen, causing a light chuckle to slip out of Mizugumo's mouth.

"Looks like someone's getting used with my presence to the point he's calling me Mizu!~" Mizugumo teasingly smirks, still glancing at the taller man. He only rolls his eyes at the other's remark, his anger already boiling.

"Did you even hear me?" He barked angrily, which caught him off guard.

"Well technically, yes-" He pauses for a second, finding the words before continuing. "But I'm afraid I won't let you go easily this time."

The statement catches Rōnin's attention, eyes squinted at Mizugumo's direction. "What does that even mean?" "That means I'm handing you over to the police."

And there goes Yasu's temper. "Oh? But how fucking come could you, yourself not just hand yourself to the police?"

He raises an eyebrow in suspicion. "What do you mean, 'hand myself over to the police'!?" He questions the anti-hero with a frown upon his face, quite literally glaring at him. "You literally committed so many illegal acts it's insane. As much as you have good intentions, you fucking destroyed the city for a thousand times." Rōnin explains to Mizugumo, his voice barely sounding calm and soft. Mizugumo though, only kept quiet while he glared daggers at the other man.

As the two continue to bicker like an old married couple, none of them realized that Enzukai had escaped Mizugumo's webs. The sound of loud and heavy footsteps could be heard from behind them, as the beast's slender-like fingers were moving through each building.

Mizugumo's eyes widen in shock as he felt sharp claws wrap around his body, looking down he could see Enzukai's fingers. Rōnin gasps as he sees Mizugumo being taken away.

"HEY! No one else messes Mizugumo but ME!" Rōnin shouts angrily, using his blade to free himself from the webs that Mizugumo used to trap him in earlier. He quickly swings towards Enzukai's path, pulling out his venomous blade and gauges it inside the beast's chest. But.. Why does his chest feel so painful? He can hear the faint sound of the beast shrieking in agony as it falls down to it's death.

But this was different. He can hear Mizugumo screaming for him on the top of his lungs, catching him using his free hand as he quickly makes his way to a dark alleyway, away from any light. He lays down Rōnin onto the floor, placing his hand on top of his bleeding chest.

"Don't die.. For fuck's sake," Mizugumo's voice cracked through his soft sobs, holding Rōnin's dying body in his arms. Why does this feeling feel so close to him to Mizu? It felt like he was watching a loved one of his die in front of his very own eyes.

Isamu's eyes jolt open when he feels Yasu's hand on the back, embracing the other back. He could hear Yasu's hoarse voice speak.

"Hey, Mizu."

He sniffles, "H-huh..?"

"I love you."

Those were Rōnin's final words before his soul perished. Mizugumo breaks into tears, holding Yasu's body tightly as he cries into the crook of his neck.

"I..I love you too, ."

words : 846

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