☄️|| Aquarium Date !

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Some might think an ideal date would be an expensive restaurant or the local bar to get drunk at. But for Yasu, it was bringing Isamu to the aquarium during their free time. He never gets bored of Isamu's constant rambles about sea creatures, always bombarding him with random information about creatures that lurk within the Mariana Trench to deep-sea animals that have yet to be fully uncovered.

"I can't believe you went this far to bring me here! I've always wanted to go here!" Isamu exclaimed as he excitedly tapped his feet, his eyes darting up to one of the tanks to which displayed a school of whale sharks and manta rays swimming through the waters.

Yasu could only chuckle at his husband's excitement, brushing his hand against Isamu's before giving it a light squeeze, as if the signal Isamu to lower his voice. Isamu quickly noticed his signal, letting out a small giggle of embarrassment and nodded his head.

The two held hands during the entire trip, with Yasu trying to calm Isamu down while Isamu was acting like a child that should definitely be put on a leash or something. Like the usual, Isamu was bombarding Yasu with random information about any fish that they passed by. Sure, they could've just read it on those informational text displays about each creature, but it seemed like he had already memorized it by heart.

Yasu was just casually walking beside Isamu, listening to his explanations about literally any sea creature they'd come across, like he'd literally go: "Oh! And this one's a box jellyfish! Did you know that although unspecified species of box jellyfish have been called in newspapers "the world's most venomous creature" and the deadliest creature in the sea, only a few species in the class have been confirmed to be involved in human deaths?" and more that I wouldn't possibly bother adding in.

When the two entered the 'Shark Research Lab', it just seemed like Yasu was suddenly more excited that Isamu out of the blue, probably because he had a love for sharks since a very young age. "They look stupid, like silly stupid grandpas or something." Yasu joked, nudging Isamu's shoulder with a small smile plastered on his face. Isamu chuckled at his little joke, covering his mouth using the back of his palm in an attempt to silence his laughter.

"...I wanna swim with the sharks." He then suddenly added, which made Isamu's expression of delight change into confusion. Isamu raised an eyebrow at his remark, wanting to question his sudden idea. "You want to swim with the what now? But isn't that illegal?" He recalled Yasu's question, quite interested on what he was going to respond back with.

"They just seem like stupid silly old grandpas, I'm sure there won't be any harm." Yasu tried to persuade Isamu with his words, smiling at him. The detective hesitated, but only nodded.

Next thing Isamu knew, the two of them were breaking into shark enclosure, holding hand's together as Yasu broke the glass.

"Mental note:Never bring Yasu to any shark enclosure ever again."

words : 520

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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