I had this dream again Jordan knows about it -6ixuality anyway... My school went on a field trip to Hawaii and we were staying in a large hotel, I was in my room doing something I was in wall black I went into my closet with these thick black gloves and picked up a bow and arrow and this black sword. I locked the door and got on the balcony I pressed a button and jumped down watching each floor collapse with the students in it I went to run but I was stopped but the two police cars they cornered me when they got out I shot a bow into each of their eyes and stole the car keeping low I looked back to see smoke and the building in rocks I smiled speeding off until I hit a cop car I blacked out but woke up in a van chained up.. With a man in the back with me and a woman driving I said u had to use the bathroom. But as a fool they were they let me down but quickly I grabbed his gun and shot him in the chest put the gun to the officer head and told her to drive to the airport she did as told and I quickly shot her in the head taking the key and uncuffing myself I changed clothes from someone I killed in the parking lot and stole their passport my face changed into theirs somehow I walked in and got on a plane to L.A... My fucking brain did some spongeBob shit and hit that 2 years Lata.. I was doctor and my. Brother was living with me ...the fucking twist was I was a crazy ass doctor I did surgery but fatal surgery so if they did die no one look at me.. I would take people and put them to sleep I would cut them open and rip out shit the spleen liver sometimes the heart... But one day I got a knock on the door it was cops someone snitched on me ... I was on death row as they took me away my brother was cryin and I looked over this woman was starring at me I took the gun and shot her in the face . I shot everyone in the room smiling and then shot myself...... Skipping later cause shit went blank I was the Satan daughter... I woke up so confused..... THAT WAS MY WEIRD DREAM -6ixuality I'M NOT A TERRORIST EITHER