Once Upon A Time

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There was once a small child who was happy and never let anyone or anything get to her she had feelings and loved anyone and anything . She never stopped Smiling you always saw a smile upon her face and her teeth showing . it stopped when she got to 1st grade no one liked her she was weird or stupid to most. Sometimes fat she didn't really have friends at all she stayed by herself at recess she didn't participate in gym . After 4th grade and it kept going on she begged and begged her mom to change but her mother said no and ignored her. It was 5th grade and she became violent , mother thought it was a phase from all the horror movies and paranormal stuff her daughter talked about and watched she brushed it off. 5th grade the child experienced her first fight she was playing with this boy she started to like . this girl came up to her bothering her . The child didn't care as to that time she still had feelings but not at the time she told the girl just don't touch me the child didn't like being touched especially not in an aggressive way the girl pushed the child and the child hit back punching her in her head with kicks to the face she cried . she was angry she was filled with Anger from bullying that never ended and no one ever listening to her about it. after that the boy didn't want to be her friend he found her book finding out her secrets and told everyone she liked him for the whole year she got made fun of it was getting close to prom just a couple of months away her art teacher put up a paper for an art club. They would make their own play sing dance and have their own art she signed up and only to see the boy signed up they started to become friends again only to fall back off from him being an asshole . see because of bullying the child faked sick a lot so she stayed home . The boy made fun of her for that and called her stupid after he left the club . and one day two days before Prom the girl saw him as she walked home alone with this boy as passed by quietly with her head down the boy threw food at her calling her elephants hippos and cows they spit on her and she couldn't fight back no one helped they just walked past and didn't help. At that moment the child heart broke and she ran home crying . 6th grade  the child at this point was miserable her mother treating her different calling her fat and a cow  and getting bullied she fell depressed she thought it would be different only finding out kids are cruel they messed with her everyday she even got jumped for standing up for herself. And one day it was different she started slowly changing after that she didn't want to go outside she carried pencils in her pocket she became violent and one day this girl decided to mess with her the girl got her on the ground and choked her almost killing her but it wasn't her fault .... He told her to do it she blacked out they didn't press charges she did get suspended only coming back to school to this girl pouring soda on her the girl left school in April and never went until 7th grade she had to switch schools for bullying twice in that year and People started thinking it was her she started blaming her self every time she made contact with someone or something she would jump and scream sorry people would find her weird and laugh at her the child always blamed herself from 7th all the way to 12th she started scratching all over her body her and from then the child that was once happy and silly was depressed lonely and violent she started making herself sick to stay out of school going outside with no jacket scarf nothing her grades dropped she did this all the way to 12th grade she continued she was the same her life didn't change the house hold didn't change she just got even more violent and tried harder to make herself sick she was trying to get herself sick enough so she could die it never worked she quit she broke down amd just cried angry and tired she sadly got held back from missing too Much school and not ever doing work she just slept but she kept a  smile on her face to the little  friends she had . she thought to herself in the years of 7th and 12th grade she's choked two people almost went to jail five times been filed for attempted murder been put out by her mother twice as her brother and sister laughed and her mother almost sent her to jail for fighting back finding out she had schizophrenia post traumatic stress and axiety. she chuckled to herself she wrote on the rest in peace to the happy child with the dates from when she first started first grade and said hello to the evil person feeding off my soul she wrote the dates of Jr high school in the small corner in her room . her heart had a block of ice over it with a lock and chained spikes around it . She had not heart anymore she had no emotion but anger hatred and sadness she couldn't smile it wouldn't be real . A tear dropped as she wrote to herself she wiped it away as she sniffed. Because in her world as a happy child she was gonna be a grade A student at this point going to school to be a doctor having a happy life. She got the opposite now what she saw was her in jail for murder or in a mental hospital scratching at the walls to get out. The girl got out of her bed and walked to her kitchen took a knife went her room laid In Bed and slit her throat.

She died being known to herself Kiara unhappy violent lonely  unlikeable and dumb

To the outside she was known to be Kiara happy a bit mean keeping a smile on everyone face smart weird always fighting backwards and weird.

To others maybe she really were those things but to herself sh nun of those just a mistake.....

Don't ever make the mistake I made, don't let anyone tell you different about anythingyou don't blame yourself for something that wasn't wrong . Be yourself don't be afraid - KJ

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