First Days

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Author's note:
This chapter is a lot shorter than usual. This is because I just wanted to convey their regular day.

Aquarius woke to Hermione jumping on her bed to wake her up.
“What is it Hermione?” she groaned, wondering why her roommate was up at… she checked the time… 5:00.
“It’s our first day, Ari! We can not be late!” said the girl, as she carefully tied up her gryffindor tie.
“Fine.” Ari grumbled, pulling herself up into a sitting position, then swinging her legs over the side of the bed, sucking in a sharp breath of air as her feet hit the cold stone of the floor.
She stumbled over to her trunk, still half asleep, and rummaged through it, coming up with a neatly folded set of robes and a hairbrush. She threw on the robes, ignoring Hermione’s horror at the wrinkles, and brushed her hair. It was awfully long, reaching almost to her hips, and she sometimes wished that she could chop it off, as it could be very inconvenient at times.
The two girls hurried down the stairs, heading towards the Great Hall. Ari ended up being exceedingly grateful that Hermione had woken her up at the ungodly hour she had, because they spent the next two hours lost in the castle, being turned around by the moving portraits and staircases. They finally arrived in the Great Hall, just as the first students began arriving. Ron, Harry and Caelus came running towards them, followed at a more sedate pace by Neville, who apparently did not want to suffer Caelus’s fate of tripping over his own feet and doing a cartwheel in the middle of the great hall while trying to right himself. Caelus swept an invisible hat off his head and bowed to each of the tables, before taking his seat next to Hermione. Ron and Harry went off to sit by another first year boy (Seamus Finnigan, according to Caelus).
“So, is there anything good to eat here?” he said, slightly out of breath.
“I think that the, umm, toast is good.” answered Ari shyly.
“Cool then!” replied Caelus, grabbing four pieces of toast and some bacon.
“There’s no way you can eat all of that!” exclaimed Hermione, her eyes on the plate.
“Yes, I can.”
“No, you can’t!”
“Watch me.” said Caelus, proceeding to wolf down all the toast, the bacon, and a bowl of cornflakes before he was done with breakfast.
McGonagall came down the aisles of the Hall, passing out timetables. Ari’s first class of the day was Potions.
Ari decided that Potions was fun, even if the teacher was probably a vampire bat from hell in human form. The class started with Snape picking on Harry, asking him questions and just making everyone uncomfortable, and taking points from Hermione for correct answers, before he finally moved on to the actual lesson.
Next up was charms, which ended up being Ari’s favorite class of the day. It was wonderful. They learned all about the Lumos charm, and which version allowed one to create fairy lights. (The Gryffindor girls' dorms were decked out with them by the time they went to bed). Flitwick was very nice, and made sure they understood the material.
History of Magic was, though not too interesting, essential for their careers. Neither hermione, nor aquarius liked it, though, so they made an agreement. Their timetables were identical, so every time they had a history of magic class, they would trade off, one of them taking notes while the other caught up on sleep. This worked very well, and they were able to let the boys, (who all fell asleep within the first five minutes), borrow their notes.
Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts were, though they had the potential to be interesting, mundane. By the time Ari got back to the common room, she had two essays, 465 pages of reading, and practice charms to do before next Monday. The girls sat down and studied with Neville. Caelus attempted to join them at first, but quickly got bored of defensive theory and ran off to the Owlery to write to his dad.
And, so, the days at Hogwarts slipped by like so many raindrops in a storm, each similar to the next. At least, until Halloween.

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