Explanation and Announcement

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The next day Izuku arrived at class carrying a suitcase and sat at his desk, Aizawa then walked in wrapped in bandages like a Mummy.

Aizawa: Morning everyone.

Class 1-A: Morning Mr. Aizawa.

Iida: Sir, shouldn't you be resting?

Aizawa: My well-being is not your concern, I also want to be here for problem child's explanation.

Everyone turned to Izuku and then he spoke.

Izuku: Okay, where do I start? Have any of you heard of R.L. Stine?

Momo: The famous horror novelist from the pre-quirk era.

Izuku: Well, the short version is, I'm his descendant. My full name is Izuku Midoriya Stine. When Stine was a child he was always picked on and called names all because he had allergies that kept him from going outside this also made it impossible for him to make friends, so he made his own, monsters, demons, and other creatures to terrorize his tormentors, however, they were always obedient to him and those of his bloodline.

Mina: So those monsters that you summoned at the USJ.

???: Were Stine's original creations.

Everyone was shocked at the shrill and raspy voice. Izuku then opened the suitcase and out came Slappy.

Izuku: For those of you who are unaware, this is Slappy, from Night of the Living Dummy.

Slappy: Nice to meet you all.

Bakugo: Tch so what he's just a stupid ventriloquist dummy.

While Bakugo was talking Izuku made hand gestures trying to get him to stop, but it was too late. Slappy looked at Bakugo with an annoyed expression.

Slappy: Who're you calling "dummy"? dummy.

Izuku: Now, now Slappy, there's no need to get angry, he doesn't know.

Slappy looked at Izuku and then calmed down.

Slappy: Fine, but I won't be as forgiving next time.

Izuku then turns to the class.

Izuku: He really hates being called that.

Bakugo: So what he's just a-

Izuku quickly covered Bakugo's mouth before he could say it.

Izuku: Do you have a death wish, you never ever make Slappy angry.

Ochaco: But how is this even possible?

Izuku: Stine discovered a special typewriter that had some form of magical power, anything that was written using that typewriter will come to life.

Izuku then pulled out 3 books, the first one was "Toy Terror Batteries Included", the second was "The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena" and the last one was "Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes".

Izuku: Even though they were meant to be the villains of their stories they have the freedom to choose whether they should follow the path of their story counterparts, or forge their own path. Some would choose the former rather than the latter, such as the Masked Mutant and his henchmen from "Attack of the Mutant".

The class then hugs Izuku.

Izuku: Thanks guys, I really needed that.

Aizawa: Alright, now that this is all sorted out, I have an announcement. In 2 weeks U.A. will be hosting the Sports Festival, this will not only allow heroes to see what you are capable of but also show the villains that we are not afraid to face them head-on. Also due to the USJ incident, we will be having a dorm system, we have already gotten your parents' permission, so you will have until tomorrow to gather your things and set up your rooms.

Everyone was excited about the dorms, especially Izuku since he could bring all the manuscripts and all the monsters with him. He returned home with a lot of excitement, he grabbed all the books and the typewriter and packed them up, he also got his All Might merch and helped the U.A. staff who were carrying his belongings into the car. Once he was done he phoned Nezu to put in a secret bookshelf in his dorm room in case someone tried to steal the books. Nezu agreed and did so.

And that is all for now, sorry if this is a little short and didn't include any new monsters, but I will introduce some new ones once the dorms are set up. Until then, I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you again next time.

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