Vanishing Glass

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Winnie woke up to her cousin running up and down the stairs over the cupboard they made Harry sleep in. "Wake up. You need to start breakfast for Dudley. " Her aunt said, walking in and then out of the room with the pinched look on her face she had every time she interacted with the young red head. She sighed and got ready for the day, pulling her hair into two braids along the sides of her head. As she was coming down, she and Harry worked at the stove, making breakfast for their awful extended family. As they were at the stove finishing the bacon, they heard their cousin complaining about not receiving the same amount of gifts as last year. Harry already saw a fit coming on and grabbed two pieces of the bacon on the table, handing one to the younger girl. She smiled at her twin and ate it quickly before they were forced to go to
Mrs Figgs house with all her cats. It's not that they hated cats. The house just never smelled very good with them all there, the phone rang, and Uncle Vernon answered it. His face turned purple as Mrs Figg explained that she could not take the Potter twins while they took Dudley and his friend to the zoo. The twins shared a look of hopefulness and looked back at their uncle. He said if they didn't cause any trouble, then they could go. The twins sat on the middle seat together while Dudley and his other friend took the window seats. As they got to the zoo, Dudley asked for ice cream the size of his head and decided he didn't like the flavor. Harry asked if he and Winnie could share it. Their aunt gave it to them without looking back. The twins grinned and followed behind the Durselys, making it look like they were not with them as per their request. As they got to the reptile exhibit, the twins leaned against the railing by a large snake. Their cousin and uncle knocked rapidly on the glass, trying to wake up the "sleeping" snake. As they walked away, the twins were looking at the snake and apologizing for their cousin. "I'd get annoyed if people just stared and knocked on glass at me all day too," the little girl grumbled into her twins shoulder, leaning on him. Harry was talking to it, and it started nodding along with what the almost 11 year old boy was saying. Winnie asked if it wanted to  be there or if it knew its parents the sign next to the exhibit saying it was bread in captivity. " we never knew our parents either," Harry told the large snake. As they were talking, Dudley saw that the snake was doing something and shoved his cousins, mostly Winnie out of the way. She ended up on the ground. Harry huffed, erritated. And soon enough, they saw the glass disappear, and their cousin fell into the exhibit, and the glass reappered as the snake left but not without saying thank you to the twins. The twins were smiling at each other but soon stopped as their uncle was glaring at them with an almost purple face and pinched eye brows. Soon, they got Dudley out of the exhibit, and they went back home. As soon as they got to the front door, the large man grabbed the twins by their hair and asked them in a tight voice, trying to pretend to be calm, "we don't know " one started "one minute it was there and the next it was gone" finished the other "it was like magic" they said in unison.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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