6. Lunchtime Bonding

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As she's driving her car, a cloud of hurtful memories and confusion lingered around her like an unwelcome shadow. Her heart felt heavy, burdened by the encounter with Roseanne, her childhood best friend who hadn't recognized her. It was a bitter pill to swallow, and her emotions were a tumultuous mix.

She felt a profound sadness, a gnawing ache in her chest that seemed to deepen with every passing moment. It was as if a piece of her had been chipped away, leaving behind a void that couldn't be filled. The pain of being dismissed by someone she had once shared her deepest secrets with was overwhelming.

Confusion danced in her mind. How could Roseanne forget her? Their shared childhood, the countless hours they had spent together, the secrets they had whispered under the moonlight – all seemingly erased from Roseanne's memory. Y/n couldn't comprehend it, and the lack of recognition cut deeper than she had ever imagined.

Embarrassment clung to her like a second skin. The scene at the coffee shop replayed in her mind like a broken record. The hot coffee spill, Roseanne's furious reaction, and the intimidating bodyguards – it was a humiliating experience that left her cheeks burning with shame.

Y/n's emotions swirled like a tempest. She was hurt, angry, and above all, profoundly disappointed. The person she had cherished as her best friend, her first crush now seemed like a stranger. It was a feeling of betrayal that tugged at her heartstrings.


In the soft hues of childhood, Y/n and Roseanne found themselves in the midst of an innocent play session. They had transformed their cozy playroom into a world of imagination, where anything was possible. Y/n, at the tender age of six, was the designated wife, while Roseanne played the role of the husband.

With tiny hands, Y/n meticulously arranged her toy kitchen set, preparing an imaginary breakfast fit for a king. Little plastic eggs were scrambled to perfection, and a slice of toast was generously buttered. The young chef's eyes sparkled with pride as she announced, "Honey, breakfast is ready."

Roseanne, equally immersed in their make-believe world, took her seat at the toy table with a delighted smile. She indulged in the imaginary feast, savoring every pretend bite. "It's delicious, love," she complimented, her innocent rendition of adult phrases.

Perplexed by one particular word, Y/n furrowed her tiny brow and questioned, "De - deish? What?" Roseanne, with a gentle smile, explained, "Oh, I said it's delicious, which means it's yummy. My daddy always says that when my mom cooks for him."

Understanding dawning on her face, Y/n nodded. "Ohhh, thank you, honey," she replied, slipping into her role seamlessly.

But then, her young imagination whisked her away to another facet of their game. "Oh no," Y/n exclaimed with a pretend worry.

Roseanne, ever the attentive husband, inquired, "What's wrong, love?"

"You're gonna be late for the office if you don't hurry up," Y/n playfully chided, mimicking an adult's concern for their partner's schedule.

In the spirit of their game, Roseanne checked her imaginary watch with playful urgency. "Oh, you're right, love." She wolfed down the last bite of her pretend breakfast, grabbed her non-existent office bag, and pulled Y/n into a warm hug, planting a sweet kiss on her tiny forehead. "I'll come home early. Don't miss me too much while I'm at the office."

Their childhood innocence painted these memories with colors of love and laughter, moments that Y/n cherished as a symbol of their unbreakable bond.

Flashback ends.

After recalling those tender childhood memories with Roseanne, Y/n's heart was a tumultuous sea of emotions. The sweetness of those innocent moments was intertwined with the bitter reality of their current relationship.

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