7. Turbulent Emotions

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Cheyoung stood alone in the dimly lit room, the events of the coffee shop confrontation replaying in her mind like a relentless loop. She leaned against the cold, unforgiving wall, her expression a canvas of conflicting emotions. Her striking blue eyes, usually so icy and composed, betrayed a turmoil that had seldom touched her heart.

As a seasoned mafia boss, Cheyoung was accustomed to maintaining a façade of control and dominance, but the encounter with Y/N had stripped her of that veneer. She was grappling with an emotional tempest she had never experienced before - a blend of guilt, confusion, and undeniable intrigue.

Her actions, fueled by an inexplicable jealousy and frustration, had been harsh and abrupt. Cheyoung had never been one to let her emotions get the better of her, but in that coffee shop, the world as she knew it had shifted. She couldn't fathom her uncharacteristic behavior, and it gnawed at her.

With each passing moment, the memory of Y/N's piercing gaze, the sharpness of her words, and the audacity to challenge Cheyoung lingered in her mind. She pondered the strange feeling of being both infuriated and drawn to someone she had just met. It was a paradox that confounded her.

Cheyoung clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms, a physical manifestation of the inner turmoil that held her captive. She knew she should apologize for her behavior, but pride and an unspoken fear restrained her. Her mind was a maze of contradictions, and she struggled to find her way out.

It wasn't just the guilt for her harsh words that weighed on her; it was the unmistakable allure of Y/N. The author had managed to unravel something within Cheyoung, something that had long remained dormant beneath layers of ruthless pragmatism. Her heart fluttered at the mere thought of Y/N, and it was a sensation she had never encountered in all her years as a mafia leader.

As she stared into the abyss of her thoughts, Cheyoung realized she was standing at a precipice. She knew she couldn't deny the inexplicable connection she felt with Y/N any longer. Her world, once so clearly defined by power and control, was now teetering on the brink of change.

The mafia queen closed her eyes and took a deep breath, acknowledging that she was entangled in something beyond her control.

She leaned back in her leather chair, steepling her fingers as she tried to focus on the financial reports in front of her. But every time she closed her eyes, that memory flashed vividly before her. Y/N's eyes, wide with surprise, the coffee spilling, and the searing sensation of the hot liquid on her skin. Roseanne couldn't shake it off; it was etched into her mind like an indelible mark.

Roseanne replayed the moment over and over. She couldn't understand why it affected her so deeply. Was it the way Y/N's eyes had widened with innocence, or was it the genuine apology that followed the accident? Perhaps it was the simple beauty of that chance encounter in the bustling coffee shop, a moment that felt so out of place in her structured life.

She touched her fingertips to her chest, feeling the erratic rhythm of her heart beneath her tailored blouse. It was as if Y/N had breached a fortress she had carefully built around herself, allowing a rush of emotions she had long suppressed.

In those solitary moments in her office, Roseanne couldn't deny the truth to herself. She was haunted by the memory of Y/N, and her heart ached with a longing she couldn't quite comprehend. It wasn't just regret for her harsh reaction; it was something more profound, something she was still trying to grasp as the minutes ticked away in her secluded office.

As Roseanne continued to sit in her dimly lit office, the haunting memory of Y/N stayed with her. She found herself yearning for more details about the girl who had unknowingly stirred her emotions. What was Y/N like beyond that brief, intense encounter in the café? Roseanne was used to being in control, but now her curiosity had taken hold of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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