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                   A Night before
Ireti POV: After months of plenty conversations, Mid nights of talking,  shared dreams, and a growing connection, Ireti found himself unable to contain the feelings that had blossomed within him. The time had come to confess his love to Aduke, to lay his heart bare and let her know the depth of his emotions.

As he lay in his dimly lit room, the soft glow of the city's lights filtering through the curtains, Ireti's thoughts were consumed by Aduke. Her laughter, her dreams, her vulnerabilities—all had become a part of him, intertwined with his own heart.

Ireti stared up at the ceiling, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. He had rehearsed the words countless times in his head, trying to find the perfect way to express the love he felt. Yet, as the moment drew nearer, he couldn't help but wonder if words alone would do justice to the depth of his emotions.

The night outside was serene, the stars blinking in the sky like silent witnesses to his inner turmoil. Ireti knew that tomorrow, beneath that very same starry canvas, he would pour his heart out to Aduke.

As he sat in his quiet room, he would imagine the moment of truth, and he would rehearse his feelings as if he were preparing for a grand performance.

He knew that expressing the depth of his emotions required more than mere words; it demanded sincerity and vulnerability. And so, he practiced in his mind, striving to capture the essence of his love for her.

Ireti: "Aduke, from the moment we started talking, my world changed. Your presence in my life has been like a breath of fresh air, a soothing melody that plays in my heart. I cherish every moment we've shared, every smile you've brought to my face."

He would pause, trying to imagine Aduke's reaction, her eyes reflecting surprise, joy, or perhaps the same feelings he held.

Ireti: "I can't deny it any longer. Aduke, what we have is more than friendship. It's a deep, profound love that has grown within me, and I can't imagine my life without you in it. I love you."

He would say those last three words softly, as if testing the weight of the truth they carried. In his mind, he would picture Aduke's smile, the warmth in her eyes, and the way her laughter would fill the space between them.

Earlier that week, ireti had realize his moments, that particular moment when he knew, he was truly in love with aduke, it was during the week, an afternoon to remember for Ireti .

It was a quiet afternoon, the soft glow of the setting sun casting a warm hue over his room, that Ireti had his moment of realization. He had been reflecting on their journey together, the countless conversations, shared dreams, and the comfort he found in her presence.

As he sat by the window, gazing out at the world beyond, a single thought echoed in his mind—it was Aduke. She was the first person he thought of in the morning and the last person on his mind before sleep claimed him. Her voice was the melody that played in his thoughts throughout the day, a constant presence that had become an integral part of his life.

He remembered the times when her messages had brought a smile to his face, the way her laughter had filled the digital space, and the moments of vulnerability they had shared. He thought about the way she made him feel—accepted, cherished, and understood.

And in that quiet moment, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the world outside grew still, Ireti knew. He knew that what he felt for Aduke was more than friendship, more than camaraderie. It was love—a deep, profound, and undeniable love that had taken root in his heart.

His realization was both exhilarating and humbling. It filled him with a sense of purpose and a desire to be honest with himself and with Aduke. He couldn't deny his feelings any longer; they were a force too strong to be contained.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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