Chapter 25 - Stay with me

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Eleven's POV

Vecna lifts his claw above Will's face, and I see Will wake up.

He looks around for a few seconds, before realising what's going on.

"No, no no please!" He cries, trying to move his arms.

"It is time, William." Vecna speaks.

His claw digs into Will's skull, and I see Will's body go limp.

"NO! NO NO NO!" I yell, and I feel myself beginning to cry.

Vecna digs his claw a little bit deeper into Will's skull, and I feel myself getting angry.

I manage to break free of the vines and I throw Vecna away from Will, and he gets slammed up on a half broken tree.

"You don't realise how close I am to destroying you." Vecna grunts.

"No. I am close to destroying you." I tell him, but as I go to throw him, everything around me begins to fade.

3rd Person

(With Nancy, Steve, Robin and Jonathan)

"Alright, are we all ready?" Nancy spoke up as they all held their weapons.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Robin breathed out.

"Okay, let's do it then." Nancy whispered, and Robin nodded.

She got the lighter and lit the end of the bottle, causing the entire thing to set on fire.

She threw the bottle at Vecna, and he let out a loud growl. He fell to the floor, his tentacles that were holding him had began to disconnect from his  back.

They all stepped back a little, shielding themselves from the fire.

Jonathan lit his bottle, and threw it at Vecna, keeping him on the floor.

Steve did the same, and be threw it at Vecna.

Nancy looked around, and everybody gave her a nod of approval, so she began to take shots at Vecna.

He let out a loud growl, and he stood up, his face furious. Nancy ignored this and continued shooting him, aiming everywhere she could.

Vecna tried to move towards them, but Robin got another bottle and lit it on fire, promptly throwing it at him.

He let out a loud growl, and the vines on his body began to disintegrate.

"Holy shit!" Robin yelled, and she grabbed another bottle.

Both Steve and Jonathan did the same thing, all of them lighting it on fire. Nancy kept shooting at Vecna, keeping him occupied so that everybody could light their bottles on fire.

"Flambée." Robin nodded, and all three of them threw their bottles at Vecna, and he let out a loud grunt.

His body parts began to burn, the vines falling off.

Everybody stared at him wide eyed, as they watched him fall apart in front of them.

"Holy shit! Go go go now!" Nancy ordered, and they all began to pack their stuff.

"T-This, is not ov-" Vecna's voice stopped, and his entire body began to crack and fall apart.

Everybody looked at each other, before running down the stairs and leaving.

They were about to leave the door when the grandfather clock chimed for the last time.

"Four chimes." Nancy whispered.

"Will." Jonathan spoke, and he felt himself panicking.

"We need to go, now!" He ordered, and they all ran over to the gate at Eddie's trailer which they were now able to use.

3rd Person

(With Will, Mike, Dustin and Lucas)

Mike was stood at the top of the stairs, waiting for Lucas and Dustin to come back up, when he heard the floor boards creek.

He looked over to see Will floating.

"No! Fuck where is his mixtape!" He yelled, and Lucas and Dustin came running up the stairs.

"Is he okay?" Dustin yelled, but he was too late.


Mike turned around to see Will's left arm snapped, and he began to cry.

"No this isn't happening." Mike looked up at his boyfriend.


Will's right leg snapped, and Mike started sobbing.


Will's left leg snapped.


Will's right arm snapped, and he fell back down to the ground.

Mike caught him and he saw that Will's eyes were white and bleeding.

"M-M-Mike.." Will spluttered, blood beginning to pool in his mouth.

"Yes I-I'm here." Mike cried, holding Will.

"I c-can't feel or- or see anything." Will cried, tears mixing with the blood that was streaming down his face.

"I know I know, i-it's okay. We're gonna get you some help, just hold on." Mike spoke, his voice trembling.

"Mike I'm scared. I-I'm so scared. I'm so scared." Will repeated, his voice frightened.

"I know, I know I know." Mike cried, holding Will's hand.

"I don't want to die I-I'm not ready." Will sobbed, his voice breaking.

"You aren't going to die, we- we are going to get you to a hospital!" Mike cried.

"Mike I don't want to go, I'm scared." Will repeated, and he felt his breath shortening.

"Will you're going to be okay-"

"Mike I don't want to go I don't want to go!" Will's panicked.

"You're not gonna die! J-Just hang on!" Mike cried.

He realized that Will had become quiet, and he felt his heart drop.

"Will, Will stay with me come on. Will, Will hang on!" Mike tried.

Will took a sharp breath in, and his body went limp.

"Will no, no come on!" Mike sobbed.

"Somebody help!" Mike yelled at the two behind him who were frozen, tears streaming down both of their faces.

Dustin nodded and bolted down the stairs, leaving the three boys on their own.

"Will no, no please!" Mike began bawling, his voice breaking.

Lucas was stood in shock, not knowing what to do.

He walked over to Mike and Will, seeing his limp body on the floor.

"Will come on man." He spoke, not daring to speak above a whisper.

He began crying as the realisation kicked in, Will was gone.

{Word Count: 971}

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