Chapter 26 - Tears

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3rd Person

Mike was holding onto Will, sobbing into his chest, trying to get him to wake up.

"Please Will. I love you so much." He kept repeating, and his voice began to break.

He pressed his hand against Will's chest, and there was nothing. The boy was cold to the touch.

Dustin came running up the stairs, breathing heavily.

"The ambulance is on the way, is he-.." He stopped, seeing Mike collapsed over Will.

He started crying, and he walked over to where everybody was sat.

He gently touched Will's hand, shivering slightly at how cold he was.

"H-He's gone." Dustin whispered, tears streaming down his face.

Eleven's POV

"Please Will. I love you so much." I saw Mike sob into Will's chest, and I wiped away my tears.

"No. You're not leaving." I whispered, hovering my hand over my brother's chest.

"If we're both going crazy then we'll go crazy together right?"

"Yeah, crazy together."

"It'd be easier if we were a team. Friends. Best friends."



"Who you gon' call?"


I really hope this works.

3rd Person

(A few hours later at the hospital)

Mike was inconsolable, sobbing into Nancy's shoulder while the doctors tried everything that they could to help Will.

Joyce and Jonathan were practically connected at the hip, never letting go of each other, a constant stream of tears falling down their cheeks.

Hopper comforted El, while Robin and Steve held Lucas and Dustin while they cried.

"Excuse me, are you all here for 'William Byers'?" The doctor spoke up as he made his way towards the group.

"Yeah, why?" Mike instantly shot his head up, his eyes fearful.

"I'm really sorry, he's in a coma." The doctor spoke gravely, and Mike began sobbing uncontrollably.

Nancy pulled him into a tight hug, and the doctor continued.

"When he wakes up, if he does, he will most likely be both blind and deaf." The doctor continued, leaving everybody heart broken.

"D-Do you know if he will ever wake up?" Jonathan asked the doctor.

"We don't think so." The doctor told them, looking sorry.

"I'm very sorry." He apologized, before walking away.

Almost everybody was in tears by now, and the only sound you could hear in the waiting room was the sound of Mike's sobbing.

"Do you want to go and see him?" Nancy asked her brother, her tone gentle.

"I-I don't know." Mike's voice trembled.

"Why don't we go and see him, you might feel better talking to him?" Nancy gave him a small smile.

Mike reluctantly agreed, so Nancy pulled him up and took him over to the front desk.

"Excuse me, what room is Will Byers in?" She gave them a polite smile.

"Room 67, Take care." The lady at the front desk smiled back.

Nancy thanked her, and pulled Mike along.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" Nancy looked over at Mike, who had his eyes glued to the floor.

He gave her a small nod, knowing if he spoke he would burst into tears again.

Nancy opened the door to Will's room, walking in quietly. Mike hesitated to walk in, scared of what Will might look like.

Nancy sighed, and pulled him in slightly, causing Mike to see Will.

Mike's eyes widended and his lips began to tremble.

Will was paler then he had ever seen him, his veins clearer then ever. Under his eyes were stains of blood, and his entire body was covered in tubes and casts.

Mike burst into tears and covered his face, embarrassed to be crying this much.

"Mike.." Nancy whispered, pulling her brother into another hug.

"He'll be okay, I promise you he Will." Nancy tried, but nothing would help.

"N-Nancy I watched him die! Nothing is going to be okay!" Mike cried, pushing her away from him.

"Mike stop it, you're being ridiculous."

"Will stop it, you're being ridiculous."

Mike collapsed onto the seat behind him, his legs giving up on him.

"It's not fair." He whispered, bawling into his hands.

"I want my boyfriend back. I want my Will back." He sobbed, causing Nancy's heart to break.

"Do you want some alone time with him?" She asked him gently, and he nodded.

She left the room, letting Mike have some time with Will.

He sat down on the chair next to Will's bed, and he gently touched the part of Will's hand that wasn't covered by a cast.

"I'm sorry." Mike whispered, wiping his tears.

"I-I should've saved you.. I can't believe you're gone." He looked desperately at Will, hoping he would open his eyes and tell Mike he was fine. But it never happened.

"I miss you so much. It's not even been a day." Mike gently rubbed the back of Will's hand, his eyes filling with tears.

"Will I need you, please come back." Mike burst into tears for what felt like the 50th time that day, and he just began to cry uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, Will. I love you so much." Mike whispered, resting his head on Will's chest, listening to his faint heartbeat.

"I would do anything to swap places with you. Please just come back, I need you." Mike begged, his crying getting louder.

"Will please, I need you." Mike pleaded, his voice breaking.

He stayed like that for too long, because Nancy ended up coming to check on him.

"Mike what the hell are y-.." She trailed off, seeing her little brother asleep, his head on Will's chest.

She sighed and shook him gently.

"Mike, we need to go." She whispered.

"I'm not leaving him." Mike muttered, closing his eyes.

"Mike, you-. Fine. I'll see you in the morning, okay?" Nancy sighed, and Mike gave her a small nod, before drifting back to sleep

She left the room and went back to the car, letting the two sleep in peace.

{Word Count: 991}

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