Chapter Nine : The Debate

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Once (/) left, everyone made it towards their spot for the night. Everyone looked exhausted from how long they've been chasing after their new companion.

Zeno was the last one to join them and practically screamed bloody murder when he saw his friends. They were all sweating and looked half-dead. He would've believed they were dead if he didn't see them moving about.

"You guys look like you've been through hell!" Hak pulled his arm away from his face and glared at the yellow haired boy. "How are you not tired? You looked dead whenever we looked behind us." Zeno chuckles and walks to the fire and warm up. "Just the power of the gods I suppose."

Hak rolls his eyes and keeps his hands near the fire. He looks around his friends and sees Yoon helping Yona drink water. She looked as if she was ready to pass out. He was beyond angry at that girl. Infuriated. She had them looking like fools, trying to catch up to her. She was having a grand old time while they were struggling to keep up. She kept mocking them as if they were children. Just who the hell is this girl? Why wasn't there any mention of a fifth warrior in that stupid legend? Why is it that when things are looking more or less alright, a new problem came up?

"Oi, white snake."

Kija felt his veins pop out. "For the last time, it's white dragon you-"

"Do you remember anything else that old man said about her?"

Kija looked surprised then shakes his head. "No. I'm angry at myself for not paying more attention to what he said." Jaeha jumped in the conversation. "Well let's review what we know. Not much else we can do other than sit in silence!" He gestures to everyone. "First thing is that she seems to have more power than any of us. One fight with her and we were treated like walking fish." He then moves his hand to his leg. "Second, she seems to be able to copy my dragon leg."

"She was also able to copy my dragon arm!"

Everyone turned towards the yellow and blue dragon. "How about you two? Has she tried copying your guys' powers?" Shinah looks away and nods, feeling shy from the sudden attention on him. Zeno shakes his head. "I don't think she has tried with mine yet. We haven't fought each other yet so I don't think I gave her a reason."

Jaeha holds up three fingers. "So she has been able to copy three of our powers. Let's assume she can also copy Zeno's power as well, but has chose not to. This means she is much more dangerous being our enemy rather than an ally."

Yona looks at the four dragons in front of her. "How did it feel fighting your own power?"

Kija looks at his arm and clenches it. "It felt odd. I saw her shift her hand into mine, but I couldn't understand how she was able to make it happen." Jaeha couldn't help but agree. "I saw how her leg changed. Black scales started forming from her thigh then went down. Her strength switched immediately. It was as if I was fighting ten men instead of one girl." Shinah held himself and kept his gaze on the fire. "She paralyzed me. . . with my own power. It felt terrifying. . ."

Everyone felt bad for Shinah, knowing his history about how his powers. They felt horrible for him. Shinah felt uncomfortable with everyone staring at him.

"So I guess that old man in your village was telling the truth. The black dragon's power is pure chaos." Kija looked down at the ground, disappointed in himself for not learning more, for not being helpful towards the group.

"So she is basically like shifter then? Being able to change parts of herself for battle?" Everyone took Hak's words and thought that was the best explanation for it. "I don't think it's a good idea to keep traveling with her. If she's this powerful and decides to turn against us, it's not a good idea to get close to her."

Yona stood up and disagreed with Hak. "But Hak, she's a dragon warrior. She should be able to travel with us."

"Princess, did you not see the same thing we all saw? A crazy fighting machine who was able to beat us all to a pulp. What if she was serious and had wanted to take you for ransom?"

"But she didn't! She just wanted to talk to me. I choose to trust my heart with this. I think she should be able to stay."

Kija cut in, defending Hak's point. "Yona, I have to agree with Hak. Her personality only seems to cater to what she wants. She doesn't seem like the type to care for others."

"We don't know that! How can you both be sure about this?"

Zeno looks at the corner of his eye sees a small bird land near a branch. The bird looks at the young boy and he smiles. 'You always were a nosy girl.'

"Jaeha, what do you think of her? Should she be allowed to stay with us?" The green haired man sighs then shrugs his shoulders. "Oh who's side to pick! The brash handsome man or the lovely princess-" He was put in a choke hold by the said brash handsome man. "Nevermind princess, his vote shouldn't count."

Once deciding it was enough, he let go of the pervert's throat. He holds his throat and catches his breath. "Goodness, it's so easy to get a rise out of you, isn't darling?~" Moving his head to the side avoiding Hak's glaive aiming for his head, he speaks. "To answer your question, I believe (/) should be able to stay with us."

Yona was ecstatic to hear someone on her side while Hak and Kija were confused. "Why would you say that?"

He shrugs his shoulders and winks at them. "Let's just say my pirate intuition is telling me her staying is a good idea." Hak groans and pulls his glaive out of the tree. "Should've known you would be no help."

"Never said I was trying to be helpful."

Yona looks over to Zeno and sees him watching the bird. "Zeno, what do you think we should do?" He looks away from the bird then towards the princess. "Zeno believes the group will decide what is best for everyone. He will not vote." Yona felt upset, but believes Zeno knows what he is doing, so she respects his decision.

Everyone turns to Shinah, expecting an answer. Yona walks up to him and take his hands in hers. "Shinah, what do you think of (/)? Should we still travel with her?" He looks up at her and she is smiling at him. "The decision is yours, Shinah."

He looks around, feeling nervous about this decision. How is he supposed to know what's the correct one? He doesn't want to make anyone upset. His eyes stop at a bird sitting on a tree. The bird looked a bit shocked? How can a bird look shocked? As if it knew, the bird turns around flies away, off to somewhere it wants to go.

He suppose (/)'s way of thinking is like a bird. She seems to know what she wants and seems free with how she is. From the little time he's seen her, she doesn't seem unhappy. She seems content with her life. She doesn't care about how they see her as. She has been herself from the start.

He looks back at Yona and is confident with his decision. "If she'd like to, I would like her to stay with us." Yona smiles then turns around to the rest of the group. "That settles it then. We will continue to travel with her and if she chooses to stay with us, we'll accept her with open arms."

"Hold it, Yoon hasn't voted yet."

Everyone turned to the young boy and see him tending to the fire. He didn't seem to interested about voting. He moves the twigs around, making sure the fire is still lit. "I won't be voting as well. Wouldn't really mean much anyway if I did." Yoon was too busy thinking of other things that were more important than a little vote.

Yona nods then declares that (/) can join their group if she wants to.

Zeno looks around to find the bird he was looking at earlier. It was looking at the group, as if it was processing their words. The bird spreads out its wings and flies off. He looks to the ground and tries to hide his tears.

'Her favorite thing was always being able to fly.'


A/N - my goodness, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ! comment, vote, do it all please ! it shows me that you're interested and want more ! thanks a bunch and have a good one y'all ! <3

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