💚🍶zoro x nami🧡💵

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It was a peaceful evening aboard the Thousand Sunny as the crew sailed through calm waters. The setting sun painted the sky with shades of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the ship. Nami, the crew's navigator, was on the deck, studying her maps and charts as usual. Zoro, the swordsman, was nearby, honing his skills with his trusty swords.

Nami glanced up from her maps and couldn't help but watch Zoro's intense training. His dedication and strength had always intrigued her, even though she'd never admit it openly. As she observed him, a playful thought crossed her mind.

"Zoro," she called out, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Think you can handle my navigation skills?"

Zoro stopped his sword practice and turned toward Nami, raising an eyebrow. "Navigation skills? What's that got to do with swords, Nami?"

Nami smirked and approached him, holding out a compass. "Let's have a little competition. I'll navigate us through these waters, and you can try to keep up with me. If you win, I'll buy you a drink at the next island."

Zoro considered her proposal, then grinned. "You're on, navigator."

And so, a friendly competition began. Nami expertly guided the ship through the tricky currents and reefs, her fingers deftly tracing the charts. Zoro, in his own way, followed her lead, sensing the subtle shifts in the ship's direction and adjusting his balance accordingly.

As they worked together, Nami couldn't help but be impressed by Zoro's adaptability. He might be a swordsman, but he had an uncanny ability to understand the ship's movements as if it were an extension of his own body. It was a side of him she hadn't seen before.

Finally, they reached their destination, and the crew cheered in celebration. Nami turned to Zoro, a grin on her face. "Looks like you owe me that drink, swordsman."

Zoro chuckled, a rare sight. "I guess I do. But don't think this means you're better than me, navigator."

Nami winked at him playfully. "Of course not, Zoro. We each have our own strengths. But it's nice to know we can rely on each other in any situation."

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