Stage 0

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"Grrk!!!" Super Sonic struggled as he focus everything he had into keeping the warp topaz in his hands contained until he was far enough away from the planet.

"I-I can't hold it back anymore-but looks like I don't need to anymore." Sonic took a glanced behind him, he is pretty far away from the planet....hopefully far enough.


Sonic shielded his eyes as the unstable warp topaz blew up right on him. Space and time warping all around him, tearing through dimensions.

He could also feel himself losing his Super Sonic form in the middle of all this.

"A crud..." That was Sonic last thoughts as he blacked out at the epicenter of all this without the protection as Super Sonic.


The imaginary tree and the sea of quanta. Forever locked in an endless tug of war on trying to consume the other. This was the only constant for who knows how long.

That is, until space and time ripped open between the two entities. An event that has never happened once in existence. The sheer amount of time and space warped from beyond the tree and the sea had caught the attention of anyone or anything that was present to see this scene.

A girl trapped and lost in the sea. Her blue eyes that turned red for a moment, gazed opon the event.

A man, his cold and emotionless eyes stared at it all. Those eyes stared, eyes that had always stayed cold as his heart now stared in shock and disbelief at what they saw and felt.

And a being, the Honkai stared at the epicenter as it saw something that it did not understand.

It was at that very moment, those that were present there, saw seven colourful lights surrounding something blue and unknown.


-[Chapter End]-


Yup, I'm surprised no one even tried doing this.

Sonic and Honkai, come on guy! Why has no one even tried to do this idea?

Anyways, if you haven't realized, this is IDW Comic Sonic, taken straight from the point he got rid of the metal virus.

Now why did I write this little idea? I just got into reading IDW Sonic and now my brain has taken a giant need to write him, or at least, get the idea out and perhaps ready to write when I have the time....when college doesn't need my full attention.


Anyways, if you know my track record of finished works, then you know this is never gonna get finish....but hey! If I do more chapters? Hope you would enjoy this probably never gonna finish fic idea.

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