Stage 1: Nagazora: Act 1

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Daylight shone through the trees as birds birds chirped and crickets cricketed.

"....uugrrhh." A blue anthropomorphic hedgehog groaned as his ears twitched and his flickered open.

"W-what....happened....?" The blue hedgehog thought to himself as he got on his feet. His eyes took in his surroundings.

"Where am I...?" Trying to recall what his current situation was, he then came to a realization. "Wait...who am I?"

He tried recalling his name, but nothing came about it.

"Eh. It'll probably come to me eventually." The hedgehog shrugged, finding no point in trying to remember something he couldn't remember at the moment.

"Now...." The hedgehog stretched, his body a bit sore as he felt like he crashed straight into the ground. "What to do now...?"

*Chirp! Chirp!*

The hedgehog heard some birds chirping, his green eyes glanced towards the trees as he spotted the feathered animals.

"....What the heck?" The hedgehog frowned as he noticed something off about the bird he spotted.

At first glance, the bird looked normal. Feathers, wings, beak, chirping, normal bird stuff....that was until he saw the white metallic covering on the bird's legs and head as well as glowing pink veins and highlights on its body.

"Okay...that doesn't look normal." The hedgehog looked at the bird with concern and confusion as to what happened to it while said bird chirped loudly while staring at him with dead pink eyes.


The hedgehog then turned the some bushes to see wolves in the same condition like the bird. Said wolves growled at him with those glowing pink eyes.

"This definently doesn't look good...ugh...?" The hedgehog held his head as he got a headache from looking at these creatures. "Man....this feels familiar?"

During this headache, the hedgehog didn't notice something big sneaking up behind him until he got smack through several trees.

"Ouch...what hit me?" The headache disappearing at the moment, the hedgehog could now pay attention to his surroundings. There, where he was standing, a big white metallic bull-like horned creature stood.


The beast put its head down on the ground, as it then started to spin rapidly at its spot.

Seeing this, the hedgehog gave it a cocky smirked. "Heh! I can do that better!"

Curling up into a ball out of pure instinct and muscle memory, the hedgehog spun at his spot. He spun so fast he was dragging dust and dirt and to the point his round ball form turned into a curved oval.

The beast made the first move as it spin dashed towards the hedgehog like a destructive force of a swingling wrecking ball.

But as for its opponent, the hedgehog spin dashed with a burst of speed that utterly eclipsed the speed of the spin and movement of the beast.

If this bull was a wrecking ball, then the hedgehog was a combination of a buzzsaw and cannon ball fired at the speed that passed the sound barrier.

Both forces clashed.

And the beast easily lost as it went against the superior spindash of the hedgehog despite its superior size and weight compared to the blue blur.

Through sheer speed and power, the hedgehog ripped right through the beast's metallic hide and sent the bull back into the trees, all while the hedgehog jumped out of ball state and perfectly landed on his feet.

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