Stage 2: Nagazora: Act 2

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—[Stage 2: Nagazora Act 2]—


"M-major! Honkai energy levels are increasing rapidly!" Up in the air, a few miles before reaching the city, a futeristic airship hovered above the sky and headed towards Nagazora.

"Yeah, so it's the Herrscher. Where's it's location." Himeko Murata stood in the command room and was overseeing the situation.

"That's the thing's not the Herrscher that we're detecting. It's an Emperor...and somehow this thing is multiplying five times over while simultaneously its honkai energy rapidly increases every second!?"

Himeko looked surprised at that. Confusion and concern came at her as the situation was now turning into an abnormality.

"What's the status on the city?" Himeko asked.

"Emperors have completely swarmed thirty five percent of the city, by these estimates, it'll take five or ten minutes for the city to be completely flooded by Emperors!"

"Tch! A swarm of Emperors and an abnormal Honkai Beast, and to top it all off, a Herrscher as well that's still hidden somewhere the city. Just my day..." Himeko groaned, she was having a nice date as well?!

"It's not just the swarm that's increasing Major! High levels of Honkai radiation has spread outside of the city. Fast! It has already spread out for miles! And assuming it doesn't stop, it'll cover twenty percent of the world in a hour or so!?"


Himeko's eyes widened in shock. There has never been such reports before. Sure, previous Herrschers have indeed caused widespread radiation before over large distances, but all of them had a range limit. This...abnormal Honkai Beast was outright going to surpass all records on how far honkai radiation could spread out in an hour!

"Forget the Herrscher! Give me the location of the source! We're blowing this thing up to kingdom come before it can spread out even further!" Himeko took on serious and commanding look as she gave everyone orders.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Himeko sighed, she somehow had a feeling things would get even worst.

"Major! We've located the main source...but-"

Himeko couldn't tell if the migraine she was having was alcohol that still had an effect on her, or the stress of this complete abnormal situation that came on one thing after another.

"What is it?"

"We've detected an unknown energy source coming from the abnormal Emperor....we failed to detect it before as it was tiny and covered by the Honkai energy, but now that we've focused on the source, we've found that this things energy signal is...infinite?"

"Infinite? How is that possible? There is no such thing as infinite energy." Himeko was no scientist, but she at least knew that nothing was infinite, everything was finite. Infinite energy was just science fiction.

"That's not all Major!"

"There's more...?" Himeko's eye twitched. She really didn't need more unwelcomed unknown surprises to her already ruined date. Why couldn't this whole thing just be a Herrscher.

"We've detected that this unknown energy has fused with Honkai energy, actually, fused isn't the right term. It looks more like it's enhancing honkai energy beyond the normal!"

Himeko sighed at hearing that.

—[ Meanwhile with Sonic ]—

Sonic speeded through the streets as he cleared out any Honkai Beasts that were in his way and large hordes of zombies whenever he encountered them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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